eight: daydreaming

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"so, what are you up tonight?" bogum asked with sexy smile at jungkook meanwhile both of them entered to his dormitory "depends what do you mean?" jungkook giggle now with little playful smile, crossing arms at nothing how bogum was not really smoothly checking him out.

"I mean here something else than just watching a movie" bogum whispered now stepping closer to jungkook who looked up at him, bogum put hands onto jks small waist just to step even closer to his body. now their chests are almost touching and eyes not stopping look into each other like are about to find something, shivers running down onto jks back.

"I want you so badly, here and now" bogum whispered before smashing their lips together into deep kiss, jungkook with hands onto bogums arms was kissing him back immediately feeling how their tongues connected.

suddenly felt that someone grabbed his hand making him break the heated kiss and rotate two times before jungkook could process who it was.

"too bad the only person he loves is me"

taehyung said, looking deeply into jks eyes who blinked twice in shock "t-tae?" the younger asked innocently, "you're my everything, jungkook" taehyung said bravely now grabbing jks waist just to pull him closer towards himself.

their lips almost touching and jungkook couldn't stop himself from not looking at taes plump one "you're the only reason I still live" taehyung added.

"w-why are you saying all of this to me now?" jungkook whispered shyly, softly looking up at taes eyes who with that pinning stare answered "because I love you" making jungkook blush madly.

"I love you more than anything in this messed up world" taehyung whispered before kissing jks lips ever so slowly, gently, passionately. it felt like their lips were supposed to meet, like were made for each other and are some kind of a lost puzzle towards the other. together are just a perfect match. jungkook felt so much warm feeling in chest, now letting taehyung take all the possible control because doesn't need it.

taehyung grabbed jungkook up by his thighs and pinned him against the bed, now all of their clothes are gone making them completely naked. the younger immediately parted legs and let taehyung be between them absolutely melting at every simple touch of his, feeling how tae entered into his tight hole and started thrusting into him deeply, speeding up right away.

"ahhh~ what the fuck is happening" jungkook moaned out, he slowly opened eyes all lost in the pleasure and noticed bogum walking towards the bed also all naked. "bogum" jungkook breath out in shock "you're so beautiful jungkook, I wanna taste every part of your body" bogum whispered now also laying onto the mattress next to them and started licking jks neck who bite lower lip.

"ah~ ah~ that's a dream right? ah~ I'm dreaming, there's no way" jungkook moaned out, feeling how taehyung speed up thrusts even more into him but suddenly stopped and sat up making jk throw head backwards because was so close to cum. too close.

"that's not a dream, jungkook" bogum whispered now grabbing jungkook up to place him onto laps, immediately pushing his hard dick inside of his body.

jungkook moaned highly meanwhile putting hands onto bogums shoulders "that's the only reality, you want us both so you have us both. but who do you like more?" bogum continued now moving jks body up and down who immediately started speeding up each move "oh my god, I-I can't ah~" jungkook tried to focus on something else than how good it all feels but couldn't "choose me jungkook and you will never feel lonely again" bogum said leaning to kiss jks lips chastly.

your lips, mine lips | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now