nineteen: forgotten touch

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sunday / 2:00am

jungkook was sleeping with bogum in his dorm when suddenly both of them heard knocking to door, it was middle of the night so jungkook was quick to whip eyes annoyed and stand up from the bed mumbling frustrated and angry something to himself that someone broke his precious sleep "who the fuck is this at this hour?" bogum asked with closed eyes meanwhile laying shirtless still onto bed, already missing jks body next to his.

"I don't know" when jungkook finally opened door his whole anger immediately disappeared and gaze softned at seeing taehyung standing there, looking so cuddly as never but at the same time he could see that something was wrong.

"hey" taehyung whispered making bogum sat up onto bed annoyed, he started noticing more how taehyung and jungkook are touchy as fuck after being in relationship with jungkook and honestly didn't like it even tho earlier he never payed so much attention to it.

"hi" jungkook breath out, blushing madly because of the sudden tension immediately spreading across the whole dorm and hit bogum as well making him be only more jealous. "what are you doing here? something's wrong?" jungkook asked softly, trying to somehow read taes expression who can't tell literally anything when someone other is listening to them obviously.

taehyung simply gave up and walked closer to jungkook just to lean forehead against his shoulder making jk run palms through his hair "hey, what happened? talk to me" jungkook whispered worriedly trying to remain calm but inside was literally dying because bogum was watching both of them.

"can you please sleep with me tonight?" taehyung whispered trying to wrap arms around jks waist who quickly and secretly stopped him just to take his face up "tae" jk breath out making taehyung bite lower lip "please... I need you..."

jungkook is quick to sigh and say "wait for me in your dorm, I'll be there. just give me a minute", taehyung nodded softly and leaned to kiss jks right cheek slowly who chaw lower lip watching him leave. he took a deep breath and turned around to bogum who was sitting onto bed, not saying anything "I'm sorry bogum, I know how it looks like but you know that I can't leave him-"

"it's always about taehyung" bogum cut jk off now looking up at him "it's always about that damn prince, everything. any time he shows up you follow him wherever he's walking like a little kid not even asking twice, and of course you're always choosing him when it comes to me. my the only question is why?", jungkook exhaled not knowing what to answer honestly.

"I-It doesn't work that way, and you know that..." jungkook whispered, nervously standing like a little kid "does it? then go and tell him that he's a big boy which means that can sleep alone and come back here to sleep with your boyfriend, because that's what I still am right? or even you kim taehyung is gonna take away from me, fucking blue blood" bogum said back.

jungkook still chawing lower lip looked down thinking that it's not a good time to tell everything bogum but at the same time knows that taehyung needs him, now. he walked closer to his boyfriend and sat onto his lap, saying "of course you are, but taehyung is my best friend and I can't leave him when he needs me. I promise you that tomorrow I'm all yours, we can skip college and spend some more time together... more privately, alone"

bogums mad gaze slowly came off and put hands onto jks butt "you mean... you want to have sex?", "sure, If that's what will make you feel better" jungkook winked, hands moving up and down onto bogums strong arms "I'd loved that" bogum whispered now leaning in to kiss jks lips who sigh into it and kissed back passionately feeling how bogum was squeezing his ass.

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