ten: just the two of us

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1 month later

"-and I told her that I should also somehow have the stimulus that will develop me in the sense of being more mature, responsible and adorable cute so that's why I should have a little kitty" jimin explained meanwhile having arm wrapped around jks shoulder who listens to him with that little smile of his, they're walking down to the locker room at their college building.

jungkook met jimin through taehyung obviously, like every his other friends, and really liked him because the way he is so open with talking about random things, telling funny stories and just talking with other people. for jungkook that's so impressive. jimin isn't awkward or makes him uncomfortable, that's why is just a perfect person to spend time with. jungkook really likes jimin as a friend.

"I'm honestly not surprised your mom didn't agree, where would you keep him?" jungkook asked quietly with little giggle coloring his words "IN MY DORMITORY, WHERE ELSE?!" jimin answered a bit offended that jungkook hold his mother side, of course in a funny way, so tickle him a little. he knows that jungkook gets easily uncomfortable so always is making sure to underline that is joking.

jungkook giggle and pushed the smaller boy away "oh shit" jimin suddenly said meanwhile looking at his phone "what?" jungkook asked confused "first of all, on the Vogue magazine is taes handsome shitty face. and sec- oh man, he's nominated to be the most handsome man in the world, what the hell!" jimin said in shock now showing jks photo of taehyung.

the cover of tae's vogue magazine:

jungkook bite lower lip and looked down "yeah, he is", "well anyway, I have to go quickly catch Mr Lee from the English because I didn't pass the last exam" jimin added making jungkook immediately nods "of course, go"

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jungkook bite lower lip and looked down "yeah, he is", "well anyway, I have to go quickly catch Mr Lee from the English because I didn't pass the last exam" jimin added making jungkook immediately nods "of course, go". "but we suppose to go to the cafè together, you won't be mad?" jimin asked with little pout "of course not, I'll wait here don't worry" the younger answered with a smile.

"alright, thanks. you're the best, see you" jimin said before running away and jungkook entered to the locker room, meanwhile doing that in the same time one of the girls from the 4th grade was leaving and his eyes witnessed after shutting the door behind himself shirtless taehyung.

"hey bunny" taehyung said meanwhile whipping with a towel the back of his neck, sitting onto bench with a smile.

fuck he is so hot jungkook thought quickly shaking head before saying back quietly "hi", "what are you doing here?" taehyung asked softly "I'm waiting for jimin, we are going on coffee and then go study some more together. and you?" jungkook answered meanwhile walking to his locker, unlocking her quickly to hide his books there, shutting her close afterwards.

"I have a basketball practice again, as usual" taehyung chuckled "with a girl? I thought our college doesn't have a girl team basketball- oh right, she's cheerleader" jungkook mumbled rolling eyes making the elder bite lower lip at hearing little tease in jks voice totally not thinking about how his ass is looking so good in those skinny jeans.

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