twenty four: stars around my scars

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3 days passed and from the moment where taehyung found out about jks conversations with his family and bogum he didn't say a single word to jungkook who was suffering so much at seeing him walking so upset and what's more important mad at him.

he aren't in love with bogum, he never actually was because loves taehyung more than anything in this world and would never do something what will hurt him. he texted and didn't block bogum because felt horrible with himself after doing such a thing to bogum who didn't at all deserve it, jungkook didn't tell it taehyung because knew how he will react and what would thought.

well, was right.

to taes mather jungkook texted only because wanted to make up taehyung with his family. everything what happened lately just made him feel that taehyung feels upset because of his actions and only because of him, their relationship, and what's more important taehyung doesn't talk to his family which breaks jks heart.

he can't stand seeing taehyung behaving like everything is fine when actually he tries to break from his family which jungkook knows how much he loves even when they were treating him like a object, it hurts so much to see person who you loves go through such a things which he didn't deserve even a little.

right now is wednesday and jungkook is walking towards the bathroom, looking like a mess because just woke up and doesn't feeling taehyung next to him in that specific bed doesn't allow him to sleep for a longer than 20 minutes. well, for 3 days it worked that way and still it looks like it's going to be like that for longer perfect

"my eyes" jungkook mumbled tiredly like is about to cry out how sleepy he feels meanwhile whipping eyes with both hands, trying to open the door to restroom to take a quick shower and spend another lonely day in the big, taes fancy villa but someone was faster opening the door from the inside in the same time. yeah, who would that be huh?

jungkook bumped into taes chest who grabbed his waist what made him open eyes and quickly say "oh sorry, I didn't-" when was about to continue with a hands onto taes definitely naked chest he noticed finally that taehyung was standing only in boxers what made him blush madly "oh wow" he breath out looking at taes shining body after the shower. he looked so fucking good and how the fuck jungkook should believe he's real?

jungkook met taes eyes slowly, moving hand more down not really intentionally but from habit making taehyungs breath slow down still with neutral face. "sorry, I-I didn't know you were there" jungkook whispered never breaking the eye contact with taehyung whose hand was still onto his waist for stabilisation, the whole scene was so pretty weird but neither of them cared.

taehyung licked lips, looking down as well now walking away from jungkook who with his gaze was following him until the elder disappeared in their bedroom, shutting door closed making jungkook bite lower lip.

(jungkook 14, taehyung 16 - summer)

taehyung entered slowly to his and jks room, they're in his grandparents house as always in summer period and they got into little fight. well, lisa came for a weekend to her grandparents of course just to meet with jungkook and have some longer conversations with him but it didn't go well as all of them thought. for jungkook and taehyung mostly.

jungkook was walking nervously around their room, cleaning it without really a need just to somehow stop thinking about taehyung. when he noticed him sitting onto his bed he started doing a laundry as annoyed as human is able to do such a thing. he always 'clean' his room or just space where he currently is when is mad at something/someone because has problems with getting ride of his bad emotions.

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