twenty one: masquerade ball

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2 weeks later

jungkook and taehyung are at taes parents manor, in his room. jungkook is lying on his stomach leaning on his arms with parted legs while taehyung is between them, thrusting into him from behind slowly. both of them are naked, trying to as much as they can keep quiet their pleasure because the whole scene was all so passionate.

jungkook with titled head to the side was kissing back taehyung who never stopping thrusting into his ass was kissing him gently onto lips "tae, what If your parents are gonna come here?" jungkook whispered shyly against taes lips now opening his big, bambi eyes to look into his siren ones.

"don't worry, Anders guards the door" taehyung said back, putting onto jks lips another soft kiss who bite lower lip never breaking the eye contact with the elder "relax, don't bother yourself with it" taehyung whispered at feeling how jungkook stressed out a little and reconnect their lips into lovely kiss.

after some moments taehyung came into jungkook still kissing his cheery lips and the younger did as well, tightly squeezing material of taes sheets to somehow get over that euphoric feeling running through his body. oh how much both of them loves spending time with each other, they understand everything in themselves so well.

"that was so good" taehyung said against jks lips now putting wet kisses onto his neck who sigh lovely at the contact "it was" jungkook whispered smiley and stand up from the bed just put some clothes on, taehyung wear only a boxers and sat up onto bed just to stare at jungkook who was trying somehow get himself together.

"I hate hiding our relationship so much, I'm so tired of this I want to finally take you on a date" taehyung mumbled now grabbing jks hand into his just to sat him onto his lap, the younger sat there comfortably and whispered "I know but you have to hide it from your family and I from bogum" a sigh "fuck, I have to tell him finally about it- I mean break up with him, I feel like an asshole"

"I got you" taehyung said, taking jks soft hand up on which the ring from him is and kissed it making jungkook bite lower lip, for both of their surprise taes parents didn't seem to notice taes ring onto jks hand besides obviously Anders who noticed it immediately like everything about them their whole life. literally.

"it just kinda freaks me out, you know... your parents must be so excited about me and lisa being actual couple in the future and I-I don't know even what to answer them anymore, when they're asking about my love life a-and everything... I'm proud of being gay, loving men... you..." jungkook tried to explain somehow, looking into taes eyes a bit worriedly but at seeing taes warm smile slowly showing off onto his face all worries just disappeared.

"just try to remain calm and tell them that you aren't looking for anyone at the moment, I know it's hard because they love you so much but you have to try at least" taehyung whispered now looking down at jks chest "I sometimes think they love you more than me" he added making jungkook title head to the side "tae..."

"don't get me wrong, I love looking at you having such a great connection with them. It's literally the most beautiful view seeing you smiling so bright, treating them like own parents but... sometimes I'm jealous the way my father treats you, I don't know that's weird" taehyung mumbled sighing afterwards, talking about it isn't really a nice topic for him.

"don't say that, your father loves you so much he just- has problems with showing it" jungkook said, putting softy hands onto taes cheeks who looked up at him "I don't know anymore If he even likes me...", "he does" jungkook whispered leaning to kiss gently taes forehead meanwhile rubbing his cheeks with thumbs making the elder almost purring.

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