fourteen: the way you looks at me

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2 months later

"fuck jungkook, you feels so gorgeous" bogum moaned into jks neck meanwhile thrusting into him, speeding up with each move. they're in bogums dormitory, both of them obviously completely naked. jungkook is facing the desk, leaning his hands on the table for support his weight meanwhile bogum is standing behind him, holding his hips to have more control over jks body.

they were supposed to meet so sincerely to watch a funny movie or whatever after a difficult exam as a way to relax and let go of emotions but as you can see it ended up not after their thoughts, neiher of them cared as we can notice.

jungkook meanwhile biting lower lip with closed eyes moaned "fuck~" now making both of them cum hardly, bogum inside of jks ass and jungkook at the floor. meanwhile trying to for some moments get over their highs both of them all breathless in silence were trying to somehow get everything and as well themselves together.

"that was so good, I loved it" bogum breath out into jks nape who smiled softly "it was", from the moment him and taehyung came back from taes family house jungkook was avoiding the elder and as well starting spending more time with bogum. he really likes the boy and is just also a perfect opportunity to try to forget about taehyung, not completely but 'romantically' for their own good.

"I hope your ass is still alive, sorry If I hurt you or it was too rough" bogum said meanwhile pulling away from jks butt hole who sigh at the lost, chawing lower lip a little while turning around afterwards to look at the taller boy. "I'm fine, don't worry" jungkook whispered putting hands onto bogums chest who mirrored his smile, arms snicking around jks middle with a bit confusing expression.

"what?" jungkook chuckled "nothing" bogum said nervous a little making jungkook even more curious "what? tell me" the younger asked with a smile, bogum looked up at him. jungkooks eyes has something inside that makes everyone just stop and starts starring at them, who can blame him? they're a perfection, almost as much as jungkook is.

"I thought maybe, I don't know... that maybe um we should date?" bogum asked finally making jungkook blush madly at the sudden question, no one ever asked him about something like this.

"y-you want to be my boyfriend?" jungkook whispered, he was in the biggest shock ever. he always was so focused on taehyung that didn't think that someone likes him or is interested in him in more serious way, maybe was wrong and too lost in love with his best friend to notice how good looking to other people and attractive he actually is.

"why not? I love spending time with you and as I assume you likes too, unless you're hiding something from me like hate feelings towards me or- anyway, I like you so much jungkook" bogum chuckled, jungkook all red smiled warmly at these words and put hand onto his side of neck "you really want to be with me?"

"yes" bogum breath out making the younger exhale from helplessness, eyes shining "do you want to be my date, jungkook?" bogum asked more properly, jungkook giggle before whispering "sure- I mean, yes". they smiled at each other and joined their lips into sweet kiss, when they were about to make it more heated suddenly jungkook got an notification on his phone.

he is first to broke the kiss and lean to check it, witnessing a reminder notification saying 'meeting with taehyung - 8pm', "sorry, i have to go now" jungkook whispered now stepping away from bogum and starts wearing his clothes which were thrown onto floor everywhere possible. obviously

"now?" bogum asked surprised "I have a meeting with taehyung, I promised him to watch a movie together tonight" jungkook explained almost fully dressed "he isn't a baby, he can wait" bogum mumbled to himself jealous about jks and taes friendship as well meanwhile wearing a boxers. but who wouldn't be? taehyung and jungkooks relation always hits different to people.

your lips, mine lips | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now