six: what you do, did to me

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jungkook slowly entered to locker room, he had to take some need stuffs for his presentation at one of the classes so quickly unlocked own locker and started grabbing what's need when suddenly heard voices. he turned around to make sure If he hears right and of course, as always has to be right. unfortunately not when it's good news for him.


the prince kim taehyung is again feeling like fish in the water and is flirting with another girl behind the lockers, how perfect. yesterday he didn't even bother to talk to jungkook about what happened between them, behaving like everything is normal and nothing have changed.

jungkook could guess it will end up like that but didn't want to admit, taehyung just helped him with it. what a gentleman.

"see you tonight, then" taehyung said to some random girl who left the locker room, finally noticing jungkook who rolled eyes and turned to own locker. they were now alone there. "oh hey, bunny" taehyung said simply now approaching jungkook "what's up?" he asked the younger who slammed his locker closed and started making way to leave the locker room but was stopped by hold onto wrist.

"hey, why are you ignoring me?" taehyung asked confused at seeing mad jungkook who looked at him annoyed "seriously? now I am ignoring you?" he chuckled a little "please taehyung, don't make me start day with it. move". "but what are you even talking about? why are you like this? I don't understand" taehyung asked now pulling jungkook closer who quickly stepped back.

"what happened, please talk to me" taehyung said being upset that jungkook is treating him that way, he is the only person he can't stand not talking with so doesn't want them to fight or something, that's the last thing he wants. "you really wanna know what's wrong?" jungkook asked trying to control himself somehow but couldn't, he felt so angry at taehyung, the way he treated him.

"what's wrong is how are you behaving, how are you treating me after we fucked. you treat me like your another hook up taehyung, what the fuck was that to you even, huh? because for me it was a big deal, not just a sex, not only about to cum, to fuck. and you're acting like nothing happened between us, like we are still best friends who haven't slept with each other or kissed. that's sick!"

"what? of course it wasn't just a sex for me, why are you even-", "then why are you behaving that way! jesus taehyung we slept together and you can't even look at me!" jungkook cut off taehyung who didn't know what to say honestly "you behave like it's an ordinary situation that best friends who knows each other their whole life just like that kissed and then aren't talking about it"

the younger nodded disappointed at speechless taehyung "right, okay just next time when you gonna be horny go to someone who won't care as much as you. I have to go now, I'm already late for classes so thanks for that gorgeous beginning of the day" he said now again trying to leave the locker room but again was stopped by taehyung who turned him around.

"taehyung, I'm serious let me go-" jungkook couldn't even end the sentence because was cut off by taes lips.

jungkook slowly obeyed, closing eyes with hand moving to taes cheek at that gorgeous feeling of taes lips against his and like all the fight between them never happened. "tae, stop-" jungkook mumbled against taes mouth who didn't stop the action even for a second now hands tightly holding jks waist "I literally just said that it's sick and you just-", "oh seriously, shut up sometimes" taehyung finally said now grabbing jungkook up by his hips.

quickly they found themselves naked in the shower area of the locker room, jungkook is pressed against the cold shower tiles with legs wrapped around taes sides who was thrusting into him passionately, kissing jks cherry lips like there's no tomorrow. all of sudden the whole awkward tension and anger turned into desire and lust.

your lips, mine lips | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now