twenty three: trust me

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time passed and taehyung was all the time making sure that jungkook feels better, at least somehow calm him down about what happened which is quiet a lot. breaking up in such a way as with bogum who jungkook really liked, taes parents situation, that they aren't talking at all to taehyung who won't admit but suffers is just too hard for jungkooks big heart.

he always was a sensitive person, a sensitive kid who can be the most hurt when someone who he loves suffer. and taehyung is suffering, even tho is better with him and I'm talking about his problems with depression because of the antidepressants which he takes now. still jungkook can see how much this whole situation is messing with taehyung.

he always was good at hiding how he feels from other people for his family good and jungkook was the only person who noticed it, and as well it works when it comes to jungkook who felt lately not well but thankfully was there always taehyung to cheer him up.

right now they're entering to one of the restaurants, near taes old grandparents house which is now like I said his, because they got bored of doing all the time by themselves dinners so it was just a perfect opportunity to go and have a romantic date with which of course taehyung came up.

taehyung helped jungkook take off his jacket after he did the same to himself "you look so beautiful tonight, I can't stop looking at you" the elder whispered into jks ear who smiled giggling tiny "thank you" feeling how their hands tangled together before walking in to their reserved table.

"wait here, I'll be right back" taehyung added with sweet kiss following onto jks cheek making the younger nods. meanwhile taehyung quickly went to check something jungkook was looking around the fancy restaurant, being impressed the way everything looks so fancy there but suddenly noticed people starring at him, whispering between themselves.

obviously people recognised a prince with scandal about having a boyfriend and for jungkook it was something too hard to handle, seeing all of them giving him a 'whore' kind of look or 'fagot'. that made his hands starts shaking and as well his head bended down, turning into his protective position which makes him looks like a lost kid. he always does that in stressful situations and can't control it.

suddenly felt hand onto waist "everything okay? something's wrong, darling?" taehyung asked from behind him, giving some of the people a glare making them look away. luckily in college no one is treating or doing something like that to them. jungkook breath out with little smile, whispering "yes" taehyung smiled back at him now giving him white rose.

"come on, let's not waste too much time here and come back to bed quickly. let them stare" taehyung said leaning to kiss jks lips gently making him blush shyly, sitting down on the chair now playing with palms lost in thoughts, chawing lower lip nervously.


jungkook is being pushed into their bedroom already with unbuttoned shirt, which taehyung throw quickly away, kissing the elder deeply back meanwhile running palms through taes messy hair who was holding his waist tightly. "I told you not to wear these tight jeans when we are out for longer than 5 minutes, jeon" taehyung whispered smirking against jks lips who blushed madly.

the elder is quick to push jungkook onto bed, climbing himself fully clothed between jks skinny legs now unzipping his jeans and sliding them down to make jungkook completely naked. "I thought you like them, I'm almost everyday wearing them... to be more sexy a-and hot" jungkook whispered pouting a little making taehyung roll eyes.

"you are always fucking sexy, stop trying harder because then I won't be able to hold myself back anymore" taehyung said lowely, grabbing jks hips up with one hand to press their lower parts together "also that cloakroom attendant at the restaurant was staring at your ass", "he didn't" jungkook mumbled, trying not to moan yet but it already was so hot inside.

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