two: the dare

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"I dare you to blindfolded wait for a random person in my bedroom with whom you will make out with"

jungkook's eyes got wider than ever but the same reaction got his best friends "I'm fucking genius" wae laughed out loudly and stand up to quickly run for something to cover jks eyes, he came back with a purple scarf. he quickly helped the younger stand up and tied the scarf around his head meanwhile jungkook felt like dying in that moment.

"is that really necessary? I don't think jungkook is feeling okay with it so let's calm down, alright?" jimin asked from behind knowing how easily jungkook gets uncomfortable "maybe let's just change the game" namjoon suggested. "hey, are we babies or what? guys we just had an really hard exam from the biology so let's have some more funny in our life's really, we're kids or proud not responsible college students? definitely the second thing" wae answered making people cheer for him.

"can we not?" jungkook whispered "that's just a dare, don't overthink it. It's just for fun" wae said and carefully pulled jungkook to his bedroom, saying to him before closing door "wait here, don't worry I promise I'll bring you some handsome guy in your type". everyone could guess that jungkook was gay, he wasn't also ashamed of it but the last thing he wants to do right now is exactly this.

meanwhile jungkook was already closed in the bedroom, wae quickly run to taehyung who was talking to some people in the kitchen "taehyung! you prince, come here right now!" he screamed meanwhile pulling taehyung arm towards bedroom who confused and tired sigh "nooo, wae let me drink something!". "nope, later. you have to first make out with person in the bedroom, nothing special" wae explained like it's nothing making taehyung furrow and stop him from walking.

"pardon?" taehyung chuckled "that's a dare, you have to do this. It'll be fun, trust me" wae said with puppy begging eyes even tho won't accept the answer 'no' "I didn't get a dare bro, I didn't even play in this stupid game. I want to drink beer now, please" taehyung chuckled thinking it's a little bit crazy but at the same time he knows wae for already 2 years and trusts him so doesn't think it will kill him either.

"okay, now I'm giving you a dare. go and make out with the person inside, oh and he can't know that it's you! so don't speak! good luck!" wae said before pushing taehyung inside of his bedroom who said "wha- he?" rolling eyes at hearing locking door, he took a deep breath and slowly turned around to see with who he should make out with.

he gasped at seeing jungkook.

jungkook, his best friend with who he spent his whole life right now has to make out with him like it will nothing change between them. awesome. "who is this?" jungkook asked quietly meanwhile trying to stop shaking from the stress which he currently felt, like the big hot wave hit him at the moment when someone entered the room.

taehyung walked closer to him, remembering that can't speak but at the same time wouldn't know what, um hey it's me taehyung let's make out? yeah, great idea. "wae probably told you not to speak to me to make it more 'fun', right?" jungkook asked making taehyung title head a little confused at seeing nervous jungkook, he looks honestly upset.

"listen, If we are going to do this I want you to know one thing" jungkook said, getting embarrassed meanwhile trying to continue "I never kissed anyone" taehyung looked at him softly like these were the most precious words he ever heard. they know about each other everything but taehyung never pressed on jungkook with those type of things, too much questioning his orientation or his first times because jungkook would immediately feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know how to do it, I know how people are kissing from the movies so probably I'm gonna lead my mind by this If it makes any sense" jungkook giggle making taehyung smile warmly at how for the first time he sees jungkook opening up in this topic, doesn't know that it's him but still it's so nice to see jk that way.

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