eleven: dinner time

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1 month later

jungkook finally reached taehyung's parents big manor after a long journey, which lasted about 3 hours. Unfortunately, taehyung had to leave a week earlier because he had to take care of some things, so jungkook was riding alone.

he sigh meanwhile looking out of the window, it's gonna be first time seeing and talking with taes family after they slept together and got more romantic time as well so is literally dying from nervous. jungkook is scared that he's going to do something wrong or say something what will make taehyung mad, of course they didn't and can't tell anyone that kissed. especially that they slept together.

that would ruin taes reputation and what's more important relationship with family, his parents aren't really homophobes but for sure wouldn't accept If their son, on whom they so count and his future that will sustain their family like every next generation, would be with a man openly. his best friend who they treat like a son and brother to taehyung. fuck how it even looks like?! worse than I can probably imagine jungkook thought.

he left the car and quickly grabbed his big backpack before making way to the door, he took a deep breath before softly knocking to the manor immediately witnessing their butler Anders. "hello jungkook, good to see you again" Anders said with a smile making jungkook mirror his expression and hug him "good to see you too, old friend".

he always liked Anders because when him and taehyung were kids he always took care of them, played a games with them and always was there when they needed him. when jungkook was younger, he called him his guardian angel because Anders always worried about him so much, also was the first person who found out about his orientation and feelings towards taehyung. the only person who knows about the second thing to be more clear.

in that moment jungkook quickly noticed taehyung running down the huge/fancy stairs to him with the biggest smile ever "hey bunny, finally you came! I missed you so much!" taehyung said and quickly hugged jungkook tightly, wrapping arms around his tiny waist which is the best thing in him.

"hi" jungkook said with little shy smile and hugged tae back, closing eyes at the contact.

"taehyung, please let me first take jungkooks stuffs upstairs before you gonna kill him with your hugs. my goodness, you never gonna learn when it's time for hugs" Anders said with a wink following at both of them "you're still mad that I hugged you for 10 minutes when I came here?" taehyung chuckled "no, I know you are a hugger" Anders answered before walking away, adding meanwhile "take jungkooks things to his room then, please"

"of course, but later" taehyung said and walked closer to jungkook who looked up at him "can I take your jacket?" taehyung asked making jungkook blush immediately "yes" he whispered, the elder grabbed the material of jks black jacket and slowly started taking it off never breaking the eye contact with jungkook who's breath slowed down.

"you look so pretty today" taehyung said licking a little lower making jungkook exhale my god, their eyes never left each other even for a second "t-thank you", "new shirt?" taehyung asked as a pretext to just grab jks waist and bring him even closer to himself, their noses are brushing meanwhile lips almost doing the same. taehyungs sweet habits towards jungkook, standard. no wonder he fell in love with him.

jungkook looked down at taes lips, not feeling able to even answer something because that's what taehyung makes him feel every time when they're together. he would give anything to now kiss those pillowy lips and show the elder how much he means to him.

taehyung smirked at speechless jungkook and was about to lean even closer not really thinking about where they are till both of them heard "jungkook!".

your lips, mine lips | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now