twenty two: pale

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"-and then jin pushed me away!" jimin said and hit seokjin in the arm making him roll eyes "you literally just hit me?!?! where's the difference?", "um because that's the revenge, you did it first!" jimin said back and again hit the elder friend "that was 4 years ago!", "for me it was like yesterday!" jimin answered crossing arms.

all of them including taehyung are at their from college friend soobin's big party in his huge house, jungkook told taehyung that gonna join them later but after what happened in the last time and how he feels taehyung honestly doesn't think that will. he came here only because soobin is his close friend and would be nice If he's gonna show up there for at least an hour right?

"you guys are like kids, literally. maybe want a candy?" yoongi chuckled "oh please, don't 'kiddo' me right now when I'm about to throw hands" jimin mumbled making his boyfriend laugh even more and lean to kiss his lips quickly "my kiddo" yoongi whispered making all of them 'aw' but unfortunately not taehyung who looked down, taking a sip of his water.

"hey, taehyung how's jungkook doing? didn't see him for a week" namjoon asked worriedly at taes behaviour "is he feeling any better?" hoseok added "he's still no sleeping but maybe a little..." taehyung took a deep breath before continuing "he still is blaming himself because I cut off contact with my parents and I'm not talking to them for already a long time, breaking up with bogum after he saw a picture of us kissing at a masquerade ball also didn't help"

"that sucks... fuck I'm so sorry" jimin whispered meanwhile looking at taehyung, he knows how much both of them suffer and isn't surprised at all. "I-I'm trying to somehow cheer him up a little these days because he needs a lot of... closeness, he told me that feels a lot of pain in body and is sore because of the emotions but... baby steps, right?" taehyung continued.

"I can imagine, jungkook always was that way. when it comes to feelings he always will also feel consequences on his body. I had the same situation when my parents divorced, so sorry for you both" jin said now putting hand onto taes shoulder as a mental support "you got this, both of you. we are here to help you, taehyung remember" taehyung softly smiled.

"speak of the devil" yoongi said now looking at the exit door where jungkook entered looking like a total mess, all in black tight clothes as always not looking comfortable at all but immediately went to place where drinks are served. taehyung quickly looked at him, exhaling meanwhile starring at his boyfriend who looks literally sick.

"fuck, he looks so pale" jimin whispered, noticing also huge shadows under jks beautiful big eyes but as well does taehyung who bite lower lip "what is he doing here?" hoseok asked "I don't know, he told me that wants to rest I thought he won't join us" taehyung answered not stopping looking at jungkook even just for a second who after drinking one cup of beer immediately grabbed another one.

"did bogum contact with him after the break up? maybe that's why jungkook came here, my god he looks so bad..." namjoon asked curious also looking at jungkook "no, bogum blocked him everywhere and is planning on changing college because of us. I didn't see him for awhile" taehyung said all worried why jungkook is here when is feeling so bad.

"excuse me" taehyung mumbled now walking away from his friends just to quickly walk towards his boyfriend with who two guys were already talking "hey!" taehyung said loudly from behind jungkook to smirking men "be gone! now!", the guys rolled eyes and walked away from jungkook who turned around to his boyfriend all tired.

"baby, what are you doing here?" taehyung asked softly tugging some of jks hair behind his ear just to lean and kiss jks pink lips softly, after the picture of them kissing came out they didn't need to hide their relationship anymore so that's the only plus in all this shit.

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