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Eight years after the final, and most historical battle of the wizarding world had taken place everything seemed peaceful and as it should be. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, that was until the night of October 21, 2006....

Emerald green eyes opened for the first time in 25 years, the person that those eyes belonged to let out a long and dramatic gasp of needed air. They immediately felt around the small and enclosed space they had woken up in, and out of reflex reached for a wand and apparated themselves out of the their small prison and onto the ground outside.

Once outside, memories of their life before their death came flooding in, a flash of green light, shouting, evil laughter, and pain. Forcing themselves to ignore those painful memories they focused on looking for someone familiar.

They finally calmed themselves down enough to hear the rhythmic pounding on the other side of them. They rushed over and blew open the ground until the pounding became louder and more clear.

They finally reached what looked like a casket, and quickly popped it open only to see that there was another person inside of it alive and in what seemed like panic.

The man inside the casket seemed to calm down enough to recognize the person who had saved him and immediately adopted a look of relief on his face.

He lunged out of the casket and engulfed his wife in a warm a loving hug quietly sobbing her name as he gripped her as though she would disappear if he held on too loose.

"James, it's alright, I'm okay."

James let go of her and put his hands on his wife's face looking into her eyes with a disbelieving and loving gaze, "Lily, how are we here?"

Lily shook her head while running her fingers through his unruly black hair, James and Lily finally stood and searched their surroundings for something or someone familiar.

"Lily, maybe we should go somewhere familiar like our old home. There's a chance someone who can help us is there."

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