Testing To Be a Ninja.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters but I do own any and all OC's that show up in the story.

Aoime's POV

Papa told me to go to school by myself today because he had to go get Naruto. When I got to school Shika-chan (Shikamaru), Ki-chan (Kiba) with Maru-kun (Akamaru) on his head, Hina-chan (Hinata), Shino, Choji, Sakrap (aka Sakura), Ino-Pig (aka Ino), and Duck Butt (aka Sasuke) were already here. When Ki-chan noticed me he waved me over to where him and Hina-chan were sitting.

Ki-chan grabbed my hand and sat me between him and Hina-chan. Maru-kun barked and Ki-chan said "Hey Aoime-chan did you ask your dad what we're doing today? Oh and Akamaru says hi."

"Hey Maru-kun," I began to pet Maru-kun, "and no, I came to school by myself 'cause Papa had something to do. I think it's Naruto related." I said while purring Naruto's name. I felt daggers going into the back of my head. I reluctantly turned to see Hina-chan's demon smile aimed at me.

I sheepishly smiled and I said "Go-good mor-morning Hina-chan. U-um wo-would you like to cha-change seats with me?"

Hina-chan's demon smile faded into her usual shy smile as she said "N-no i-its f-fine, I-I was just th-thinking you wo-would w-want to sit i-in a ro-row with e-empty seats so y-you can get Nar-Naruto-kun to si-sit by you."

My face flushed as a huge grin spread across my face and I yelled "Thank you Hina-chan! That's an awesome idea! Die ski!" I hugged her then ran to a row that no one was sitting at.

A few minutes past before Papa walked through the door with what looks like a brown glow worm on his shoulder. When Papa threw the brown glow worm on the floor we all could see it was Naruto. I jumped on the table, "Papa! Why is Naruto tied up?! At least don't throw him on the floor like a sack of potatoes!"

Papa got an irk mark on his head and yelled, "Aoime Umino get off that table this instant! If you don't I can show everyone your baby pictures."

My eyes shot open as I flung my arms around yelling, "No... No! You can't!"

Papa smirk and pointed towards the ground with his pointer finger and said, "Off the table now."

"Alright, alright! I'll get down now! Wait....... Hey!! You didn't answer my question!"

Papa let out a stressed filled sigh as he said "Get off the table then I'll answer you." I got off the table and Papa continued, "To answer your question, he disrespected the Hokage Monument by painting on the faces, and now you all are going to do a Transformation Jutsu Review Quiz."

Everyone, except duck butt and I, groaned in announce and mumbling "It's all Naruto's fault that we have to do this." I sent a death glare to everyone who was sending Naruto a glare which caused them to stop in a split second. When it got down to Duck Butt, Naruto, and I; Duck Butt passed of course, he makes it his life goal to pass. I transformed perfectly into Papa. I mean why wouldn't I, I'm around Papa all the time so I know everything about him. Just to mess with Papa I winked a few times before blowing a kiss at a female teacher's assistant that was walking by while still looking like Papa. Everyone busted out into laughter.

Another irk mark appeared on Papa's head before he yelled at me to release the jutsu. Now it's Naruto's turn. He preformed the correct hand signs and a jutsu, just not the correct one. Instead of the Transformation Jutsu he preformed a "Sexy no Jutsu." It transformed him into a naked older woman version of himself with only clouds covering his womanly self. Papa got a nose bleed and an irk mark appeared on my head. I yelled, "Naruto what the f☆ck is this! And Papa don't get a nose bleed from this! Have you two no shame!"

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