The Beginning of Team 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in the anime. I do however own Aoime and any other OC's that might appear.

Naruto's POV

I grin from ear to ear as I hurry up and eat breakfast so I can get to school before Aoime and suprise her. I picked up my forehead protector and positioned it before tying it. When I was satisfied I set out to the school. I walked into the classroom and everyone's eyes were on me. "Hey, what are you doing here Naruto. This is for people who graduated."

I turned around to see Shikamaru. My grin widened and I pointed to my forehead. "I did graduate! See!"

"You didn't steal that did you?"

"No! I earned it fair and square!! Believe it!" Kiba, Shino, and Choji walked over to see what all the commotion was.

"Hey Naruto, you didn't steal that did you? You know that's a crime." Kiba was the one to ask this time.

"NO! I DID NOT STEAL IT!" Everyone laught and told me congratulations. I grinned from ear to ear again then looked at the clock. "I need to hide! Don't let Aoime know that I passed okay?" They all nodded and I went to find a hiding place to wait for Aoime.

Aoime's POV

I trudged all the way to school and into the classroom. "Heeeeey... Sigh."

Everyone turned and rose their eyebrows at me. Kiba walked up to me and threw his arm around my shoulder, "What's with the long face and depressing sigh?"

I let out another sigh and slumped even more, "It's no fun here without Naruto..." And Papa wouldn't tell me what happened to Naruto and why he came back injured. But I wasn't about to voice that. I walked further into the class and took my seat at the other end of Duck Butt. I must have looked really bad because even Duck Butt looked worried. I looked at the seat between him and me at the seat that Naruto usually sat in.

All of a sudden my vision went black. An errie voice sang, "Guess whoooo-" I jumped and elbowed the creator of the voice before turning around to see who it was.

My eyes flung open when I see a crumpled up Naruto holding his stomach on the floor. "Oh my god! Naruto, are you okay?! Wait, what are you doing here? You didn't graduate." I heard a small scoff coming from behind me and I turned around glaring at Duck Butt. "You got something to say? Huh, Duck Butt?" He jumped a little, but only enough that I could see. If someone with an untrained eye at reading the emotionlessness of Duck Butt looked at him you wouldn't be able to tell. He gave a little, "Hn." then turned and looked back out the window. "Ugh! Say something other that 'Hn'! It's getting annoying!!" He just ignored me and I just kept glaring at him.

A groaning Naruto brought my attention to him. I helped him stand up and he gave a pain filled grin, "Hey Aoime, I'm a ninja now!" He pointed at his forehead and sure enough there was a forehead protector there.

I looked at him suspisiously, "Did you steal it? I know you wanna be a Ninja and on the same team as me but you shouldn't commit a crime to do it."

He frowned and threw his arms into the air, "I didn't steal it!" I laughed and ran away while he chased after me and laughted.

When we reached the front of the classroom Naruto tackled me to the floor. He then pinned me down so I couldn't move. He yelled, "Punishment time!" then pinched and twisted my nose.

"Itatatata... It hurts!" Naruto let go and we both laughted. Shika-chan coughed drawing our attention to everyone else in class, who was staring at us might I add, then we looked back at each other and laughted again. Naruto stood up then offered his hand to me, which I gladly took, and he helped me stand up.

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