Aoime's new 'team'

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Third Person POV

Aoime shivered before dry heaving behind her and her team. "Oh my god disgusting..."

Sakura nodded, "So bushy... So weird..."

Naruto's face twitched, "His eye brows are icredible... I've never seen anything like it..."

Sasuke recompossed himself and turned away from the scene in front of him. "Hn."

Lee jumped around with his fist raised. "Hey!!!!! Don't insult Gai-sensei!!!!!!"

Naruto and Aoime mimicked Lee's stance. 'What do you expect us to do?!' "(Naruto only) With all these freaks showing up, how else are we supposed to act?!!!" Sasuke and Sakura nodded in agreement with them.

Lee pointed at them, eyes filled with anger, "What did you...?!"

Gai squatted with his right hand on his hip and his left was in the air with his hand flicked downwards, "Lee!!"

Lee stopped and looked towards Gai. "Oh yes?" He tilted his head.

Gai punched Lee in the face, sending him flying into a wall. "You idiot!!!" Team 7's eyes widened into saucers. Sasuke looks a little annoyed as he thought I lost to him... Gai approached Lee and crouched in front of him. Gai placed his hand on Lee's shoulder, about to scold him, when anime tears began to fall out of his eyes.

Lee looked up at him as tears filled his own eyes. "I'm sorry sensei!!!" He flung himself into Gai's arms.

Gai held Lee close and patted his back, "There's no need to say anything more!!!" Aoime sweat dropped when the academy turned into a cliff jutting out over the ocean.

She looked around before turning to her team, "You all see this right?" They nodded stiffly. "Alright..." She said before slowly turned back to the scene that was playing out in front of her.

Naruto scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously, "Hey that's kinda sweet if you think about it..." His team members turned to him and stared at him with a look of disgust.

Sakura punched him in the head. "How in the world is that sweet?! They're nothing but weirdos!!!" Sasuke and Aoime nodded their heads swiftly but didn't change their attention away from the besardly entertaining exchange between Lee and Gai.

"Do not think that just because you have the chunin exam, it means you won't have a punishment. After the chunin exam you will have to do 500 laps around the village on your hands!!" Lee nodded and saluted to Gai. Then Gai looked towards Team 7. Unless I miss my guess... those kids are Kakashi's. Gai thought.

"Oh god... He's looking this way..." Sakura said as she took a step back. Aoime closed her eyes and shuddered from the feel of Gai's gaze. Sasuke glared at the man.

"Hey you four, how's Kakashi doing?" Gai asked.

Sakura's voice cracked as she asked, " know Kakashi-sensei!" Gai let out a deep chuckle before he vanished.

Aoime's POV

A voice from behind us causing me to jump, "Everyone calls us 'eternal rivals'!" On reflex I elbowed the person the voice came from. I expected to hear a groan of pain but instead heard a chuckle. I felt a firm hand on my elbow. When I turned to see who the hand was attached too, Gai stood flashing a blindingly white tooth smile.

I deadpanned and looked at him doubtfully. "There's no way Kakashi would know someone like you..."

Gai chuckled and flicked his bangs, "Oh I know it's hard to believe that someone as great as I know someone like Kakashi but it's true. I've had 50 wins and 49 losses." He winked, flashed a blinding smile, and held up a thumb. All of my team looked at him doubtfully before he looked from us to Lee, "You five better head to the classroom so that you won't be late." He disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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