Don't be such an Ibi-chi

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Hey guys I know it's been a while but I've kinda hit a writers block. To make up for it I'm gonna make this chapter extra long! I hope you guys forgive me!

Ibiki's POV

I let out a deep chuckle as I watch 'Naruto Uzumaki' and 'Aoime Umino' as they proclaim that they are going to defeat the rest of the genin in the room that look to be stronger than them. This is going to be very interesting. I felt a smirk spread across my face. "Oh my god... Someone has caught the attention of Ibiki-san... God have mercy on that poor genin's soul..." I rolled my eyes as I continued to watch the  room.

The pinkett and raven glared at the two as if they were going to kill them. The pinkett placed the two in a choke hold while the raven continued to glare at them. The raven must be the Uchiha.  "What the hell are you two thinking?!" yelled the pinkett as Aoime replaced herself with a log. My smirked widened. Naruto on the other hand didn't, he just squirmed in the pinkette's arms. Smart. I wonder what she's going to do next. However, that Naruto is just an idiot.

As he squirmed, trying to get free, he screamed, "But Sakura~ We were just saying the truth!!!" Aoime sat on the floor behind Sakura.

She crossed her arms across her chest and nodded. "Un. Un. What's so wrong with that?" Sakura squeaked and turned around to glare at Aoime. I had to rub the inside of my ear to end the ringing the pinkett's squeak.

The pinkett let go of the log that had replaced Aoime under her arm. She grabbed Aoime's arm and pulled her up. She let go of Naruto before placing her hands on top of their heads and made them bow. "I'm so sorry, these two are just idiots. Please forgive them for their idiocy." She let go of the two and started to scold them, but they just ignored her.

Movement in the crowd caught my attention. I moved my gaze to follow the three ninjas from hidden in the sound. They had split up and began towards the group of rookies. "Ibiki-san, it looks like they are going to attack someone... Should we enterfer?" I looked over my shoulder at the chunin who asked.

He straightened up instantly under my gaze. "No, we will wait and see if they will attack someone. Then, we shall enterfer." I turned back to look at the screen and I heard him sigh in releif.

I narrowed my eyes as one of the three threw weird looking kunai at the Kabuto kid. He jumped back only to have the hunched over hidden sound ninja with the fur on his back appear in front of him. The hidden sound ninja went to punch the Kabuto kid but he dodged in time. The kid has good speed but not enough. I smirked as the Kabuto kid's glasses cracked. He took of his glasses smirking before the full effects hit him. He fell to his knees and puked.

I stood up and crossed my arms before putting a bored expression on my face. "Let's do this." The chunins behind me flinched before getting in formation. We transported into the room just as they were about to get serious. "Quiet down you worthless bastards!!" As the smoke cleared everyone's attention was on us.

I smirked as I spoke, "Thanks for waiting. I am Ibiki Morino. I am the examiner for the chunin selection exam first section." My gaze sharpened as I pointed to the hidden sound guys. "You hidden sound guys, stop doing as you please before the exam. Do you want to fail already?"

The one that actually attacked replied for his team, "I apologize, this is our fist time... We got carried away."

I crossed my arms and put out the murderous vibe I use while interrogating, "Bah, now's a good time as any to say this... There will be no fighting without permission of the examiner, even with permission of the examiner killing your opponent is not allowed. The pigs who disobey me will fail immediately. Do I make myself clear." I look around the room to see that everyone understood me clearly. "We will now begin the exam. Instead of seating arrangements you will pick one of these tabs," I held up one of the tabs as an example, "then once you all are seated we will hand out the exam."

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