Is that a panda?

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Aoime's POV

He turned around and looked in the direction it came in. I looked up to see Duck Butt tossing a rock in his hand. I glared up at him and was about to say something but ended up coughing in pain. I think the sand cat boy injured my vocal cords... Dammit... And Duck Butt better quit trying to act cool! Duck Butt was too busy glaring at cat boy over there to notice me glaring at him. "What do you bastards think you're doing and why are you bastards doing in our village?"

Sakura squealed and shook her butt. "Sasuke-kun!!" I groaned which was a bad mistake. I ended up coughing again.

Cat boy growled and rubbed the spot that Duck Butt hit. "Great another one. This is so annoying." I took the chance to escape. I flipped backwards till I was standing beside Naruto and Sakura, who was standing protectively in front of the three kids.

Duck Butt's glare intensified. "Get lost!" Sakura squealed again causing me to sweat drop. She even got Moegi to join her...

I seen movement out of the corner of my eye. I glanced over and glared. My eyes softened when I seen Konohamaru crying and pointing at Naruto. Huh... I could have sworn it was something else... I swear I could feel the intent to kill... "Naruto bro... you suck... I believed in you..."

Naruto bent down and placed a hand on Konohamaru's shoulder. "No dummy! I could have easily brat him!" Konohamaru grunted and turned his head away from Naruto. Naruto clenched his fist and shook it at Duck Butt while glaring. I snickered slightly. This time I didn't cough which is good.

The cat boy smirked and started to pull something off his back. "Get down here. I hate showoffs like you the most."

The girl with the fan's eyes widened and she grabbed the cat boy's hand. "Are you really gonna use Kurusa?!" She looked beyond shocked.

"Kankuro. Stop it."

Everyone froze and we shifted our gaze to where the voice came from. The two sand ninja flinched and looked scared to death. "Ga... Gaara..."

A boy not that much older than me stood up side down under the limb next to the one Duck Butt was on. He had red hair and the prettiest jade eyes that I had ever seen. Above his left eye there was a tattoo of the word love in Kanji in red. On his back was a giant gourd. So that's his little brother... Heh. He looks like an adorable panda! "You're a disgrace to the village." Panda-chan crossed his arms and stared boredly at the two sand ninja. "Loosing yourself in a fight, how pathetic... Do you not remember why we came to the leaf?"

'Kankuro' flinched and flung his arm towards us. "But they started it-"

Panda-chan glare hardened, shutting up Kankuro. "Shut up. I'll kill you." Everyone's eyes widened at his comment but mine didn't. I could practically see the killing aura that was around him.

Gaara's POV

I glared at Kankuro and Temari before glancing at the dark haired girl and boy. To be able to detect me and get behind Kankuro... To be able to hit Kankuro with a stone... They're good...

Let's kill them.

I surrounded myself with my sand and lowered myself to the ground. "It looks like we got here too early." We can't Mother. Not yet. It would ruin the plan. "We didn't come here to play around." I glared at my idiot sibbling.

But why not? I know you want to kill them too.

I spun on my heals and began to walk away from the leaf ninjas. Because if we kill them then we will fail our mission. I never fail a mission. Ever. "Kankuro. Temari. Let's go."

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