Forest of Death!

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Aoime's POV

The lady from yesterday, I think her name was Anko, is standing in front of the first of 44 gates with her back facing us. "Welcome to the second part of the Chunin exames! Practice area 44, also known as the Forest of Death!" She let out a creepy giggle as she looked over her shoulder back at the large group, "Soon you will find out why it is called that."

I notice out of the corner of my eye that Naruto shivered beside me. " 'You'll soon find out why it's called the Forest of Death' " He taunted. "You don't scare me!" I couldn't help but giggle at his antics to seem manly even though I knew the truth. My eyes widened as I saw a kuni coming towards Naruto and shoved him out of the way, "Look out!" The kuni sliced my cheek and blood glistened down my cheek.

I froze stiff when I felt something rough and wet move across my cheek. My eyes shifted and my blood ran cold causing me to shake in fear. "Kids like you cause your teammates to get killed quickly... spraying that bright red blood that I love so much... hehe..."

As Anko was distracted terrifying my team someone was able to sneak up behind her. It was a man, no a woman, no maybe it is a man, ah I don't know! Someone who had a really long tongue that was curled around Anko's kunie that she used to cut my cheek with. Anko pressed another kunie against  the person's tongue and I took the chance to get out of her grasp. I stumbled catching their attention again. I cursed under my breath before bolting away only to end up getting caught by Anko again, "God DAMMIT bitch let me go!!"

The man-lady eyes glinted before it spoke in an eerie voice, that STILL didn't give away what f-ing gender it was!!, "I believe this is yours." It's tongue stretched even farther before it dropped the kuni into my hand. I shivered before holding the kuni as far away from me as I could with just my thumb and pointer finger. "Um, thanks? But it was actually hers." I point to Anko with my other hand.

She takes it from me with a handkerchief and cleans it off. "Why, thank you. But you know... Don't sneak up on me unless..." The glint in her eyes turned murderous, " You want to die." The man-lady slurped their tongue back into their mouth and smiled, "No... I think not... I just get excited when I see blood... Plus you cut my precious hair, I couldn't help it..." Anko's grip tightened ever so slightly as she starred at the man-lady walking away, "Looks like we have some blood thirsty ones this year." I rolled my eyes and in the most sassiest voice I could muster said, "Oh fun, can't wait to die. Now as I said before." I began to squirm in her arms. "Bitch let me go." A giant smirk crossed Anko's lips, "Alright." She let go of her grip right as I put the most force behind my struggle, causing me to stumble and fall onto my knees.

Sakura immediately rushed over and began to examine the cut on my cheek. When she saw that it wasn't that deep she gave a deep sigh and hit me on the head. "YOU BAKA! Why didn't you just let Naruto get cut huh?!" I gave a small smiled and whispered, "Would you have let Sasuke get hurt?" I spoke a bit louder now, "He's my comrade, how could I have?" She grumbled a fine as she put some ointment on the cut. "Fuck! Warn a person next time why don't ya!" She just smiled and walked away. "Scarry..." I slowly rubbed my cheek to work in the ointment.

"Okay time to begin! Everyone is gonna get a slip of paper they need to sign in order to continue in the Chunin Exames! It just states that if you die in here we are not held responsible so that if you do die your nations can't start a fucking war with us. I will explain the test after passing these out. You can sign afterwords, if you still want to take the exams." Clouds poof up and when they clear about ten Chunins begin to pass out the slips of paper. Immediately 4 teams dropped out. "I'll now explain the second exam... Simply put it's the ultimate survival." Anko then held up a map of the 'training' field. "I will now tell you about the environment you will be in for the next five days." In the distances I hear Ino-pig, yes I still call her that, and Choji complaining. Poor Shika-chan had to stop them from leaving the exam.

Anko cleared her through and continued, "Around Area 44 there are 44 locked gates, now that there are 22 teams that means there will be a gate in between each team, making things... hehe... a little harder." The murderous glint in her eye returns then she quickly returns to her serious face. "Inside there is a river, forest and a tower about 10km from all the gates. During the survival in here, you will have to complete a certain task. Using you're weapons and many jutsus, you will compete in a no rules..." She holds up two scrolls, one is white with the word heaven written on it the other is a blueish dark grey with the word earth written on it, "Scroll battle."

To the right of me I hear someone ask for clarification, "Yes scrolls. You will fight over these two scrolls. Since there are 22 teams now that means 11 of you will get the heaven and the others will get the earth. To pass the test you must make it to the tower... With both scrolls. There is a time limit like I said before, you will have 5 days. Oh and 11 teams not passing is not likely." She grins maliciously, "As time goes on the distance to the tower will become wider and the time to rest will become shorter. And the area will be crawling with enemies so you won't be getting much sleep. So not only will some fail from loosing their scroll some will die from the harshness of the course." Anko claps her hand together and grins wide. "Now there are some ways you can be disqualified. First, if you don't make it to the tower with both scrolls in the allotted time. Second, those that loose a teammate or those that have a teammate killed." I glanced over at Akuma with sad eyes, while they will become competition after this I can't help but feel sad for him. "As a rule, there is no quitting in the middle of this exam, you WILL be in this forest for five days." She starts to walk away before stopping and looking back over her shoulder, "Oh there's also one more rule. Absolutely under no circumstances can you look inside the scroll."

Naruto being Naruto asks "What would happen is we do?"

Anko's malicious grin, that I'm beginning to realize is just her smile, and in the most dark voice replies, "For anyone who does there will be a surprise." Her eyes then become serious, "As chuunin you will be asked to handle classified information, this is to test your trustworthiness. That is it for the explanation. Turn in your three forms for a scroll then head to your designated gate and get ready to begin." She 'smiles' before holding up the shunshin hand sign, "Oh and one last word of advice, don't die." Then she vanished in a puff of smoke.

When everyone on my make-shift team finished I took the slips up to the booth that we were supposed to turn the slips into. After getting the scroll Yuue snatched it from me and handed it off to Akuma. "WE will be holding onto that." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Sneaking a quick glance back to my REAL team I seen that they had the heaven scroll, same as us. That's one last thing I need to worry about right now.  "Fine I don't care, I just need to get through this so my team and I can become chunins." I placed my hand on my necklace and sighed. "Let's do this."


Hi guys I know that it has been a while since I posted anything, and I am so sorry for that. I recently got a new device and now I should, hopefully, be able to continue writing more. Um I usually write better when there is a keyboard and with this new device I should be able to become more creative hopefully. I make no promises though. So look out for more coming soon-ish.

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