I have a kekkei genkai?!

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, I was busy editing a picture of a time line so there was a time line up till Aoime turned 21. It literally took me 10 tries till it finally turned out right. You guys will see it in a later chapter though. Also starting now if you see a number in brackets it means there's going to be an authors note at the end of the story!

Haku's POV

When I returned with Zabuza-sama I went and checked up on the girl. She should still be asleep. I poked my head into my room and sure enough, she was still sleeping. I noticed, however, that she was sweating really bad. Maybe she has a fever. She won't be of much use to Zabuza-sama if she's ill.

I walked over to the side of my bed. I sat down [1] near her head. I reached out and placed my hand on her forehead. The moment my hand made contact with her forehead her eyes opened and she clutched my arm tightly.[2] I noticed her eyes were a deep shade of purple with black lines dashing out and swirling from her pupil. I closed my eyes and smiled at her while trying to pull my arm out of her grip. It was to no avail, her grip was too strong.

Her eyes brim with tears as she tilts her head looking into my eyes. "Isn't it painful? Loving him even though he only views you as a weapon?" Her grip loosens and I rip my arm from her grip before standing up. I stood up and left the room without saying anything. I closed the door behind me.

I then went to check up on Zabuza-sama, also to inform him of her current condition. I knocked on his door and waited until I heard a grumbly come in before entering. "She is awake now. She is interesting to say the least." I pulled up the sleeve of my kimono to reveal a hand shaped bruise forming. "She's also is extremely strong." I moved and sat in the chair I had sat next to his bed.

Zabuza-sama eyed the bruise then chuckled, "Oh this is going to be fun. We have a really powerful Uchiha on our side now, and it's one of his students." He tried to sit up but winced softly before laying back down. The cloth that was on his forehead flipped forward and landed on his stomach.

I rolled my sleeve back down and thought about her eyes. "Zabuza-sama, I do not think she is an Uchiha. Her eyes were a deep purple. If she is in fact a half blooded Uchiha, her eyes would be like that of the other Uchihas." I picked the cloth up and dipped it into the water pan I had on his night stand, rung out all excess water, refolded it, then laid it back on his forehead.

Zabuza-sama froze and his eyes narrowed as he thought back. "I'm positive she had Onyx eyes like the other Uchiha brat." I was shocked and I could feel that my face had expressed my feelings. I quickly returned it back to its closed eyed smile.

"Zabuza-sama, leave persuading her to me please."

He glanced over at me then back to the ceiling. "Alright" I stood up then bowed before leaving the room.

Aoime's POV

I sat up slowly then gently touched my cheek. I pulled my hand away from my face and stared at it. I was crying but I didn't know why. I remembered having a weird dream about a boy. I was holding his arm and could hear his thoughts but when he pulled his arm away I no longer could.

I looked around the room I was in. I didn't recognize it. There wasn't much in here except a dresser with a mirror and the bed I was sitting in. I thought back to the last thing I remember and thought I had fainted; why I fainted even though I felt perfectly fine, I don't know. I figured someone must have carried me and that it was a room in Tazuna's house. Boy was I wrong.

I heard a knock at the door, "Come in?" The door creaked open revealing the boy from my dream. My eyes widened into saucers and I pointed at him accusingly. "You're real?!"

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