Here we go!

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As we walked towards our gate an idea struck me. "The first thing we should do is head for the river, that way we can have a source of water." Yuue looked as if she wanted to disagree but Akuma stopped her. "I think that we need to start acting like a team for this. Otherwise we might not pass this exam." I gave a soft smile toward Akuma. Yuue muttered out a whatever. When we reached our gate the siren rang signaling the beginning of the exam. The gate opened and we started running towards the direction of the tower. About thirty minutes of running we diverted towards the river.

Once we made it to the river it was already noon, we quickly set up camp. "Okay we need to make a plan in case we get separated." I reached into my bag and pulled out two paper bombs. "If we get separated we will set off 'three' paper bombs to signal our location. Any more than that then it means there is an enemy near by and to stay away." Yuue and Akuma nodded before we all pulled out kuunie, getting ready to battle. I threw the two paper bombs towards the woods at 3 o'clock. Before they went off another team jumped out of the bushes and surrounded us. They were three men from the hidden leaf. One of them had a scar on his cheek, but it kind of looked like makeup if you looked close enough. Another had long hair pulled back into a simple ponytail and looked as if he could be a Hyūga but his eyes gave away that he wasn't. The last one looked kind of like an Uchiha, which caused me to freeze; however I quickly realized his hair was dyed black, his roots giving him away.

Yuue quickly threw up a few hand signs and a giant dragon made of water came out of the river and swirled around us creating a wall between us and the enemy. "Before you attack maybe you should check to see if we have the same scroll or not!" Akuma pulled out our scroll and held it high enough for the other team to see it. The Uchiha look a like grinned, and held up their scroll. It was the Earth scroll. My excitement sky rocketed. Yuue' should water dragon expanded and pinned the one holding the scroll to a tree. The one that looked like a Hyūga threw a kuuni at me before charging. I was able to deflect the kuuni but was unable to dodge his kick. I was sent flying into a tree. The wind got knocked out of my lungs. I let out a low growl before throwing a few kuuni at him to act as a distraction as I got in close. I landed a few hits on his chakra points making his arms useless, "Neji-nii-chan's lessons really come in handy! Hah! See what I did there!" He was not amused. I looked over at Akuma to see that he had his battle under control and when I looked at Yuue she was finishing up tying the Uchiha look a like up.

I jumped behind the Hyūga look a like and tied his arms behind his back. Once he was secured I went and joined Akuma in helping take down the man with the scar on his cheek. Akuma was just about finished with the battle by the time I got over to him. All I had to do was sneak up behind the man and put a kuuni to his neck. "The battle is over!" The man dropped the kuuni in his hand before raising them above his head. I took his hands and tied them behind his back then tied him next to the Uchiha look a like. "Let's leave this one here like this so he can untie his teammates later." I untied the Hyūga look a like, not like he could do anything anyways. He should get the feeling back into his arms come morning, by then we should be safely in the tower.

Yuue then took their scroll and placed it in her pouch. "Let's go somewhere else and set up camp for the night. Then we will rest for a bit then head for the tower." Akuma and I nodded our heads. We then set off further down the river before crossing it and heading deeper into the forest once that other team could no longer see us. We don't want them coming after us later you know. Once it became too dark to see we decided, more like Yuue decided, to make camp. We each took turns taking watch, I was made to take watch first which I didn't mind. When it was bright enough to see Yuue woke us up and we started towards the tower once more.

Right as we were about to enter the tower I heard in the distance Sakura screaming. It stopped me in my tracks and I turned in the direction of the scream. Yuue turned and saw this before sighing. "Oh no you don't, we're about to pass. You aren't going to ruin this for us!" She grabs my wrist and begins to drag me into the tower. Akuma stood in front of the door and blocked her. "Yuue... It's her team... We would do the same thing if we were in her position."

Yuue sighed and let go of my wrist. "First we are finishing this exam. If she wants to go and risk her life after that then she is free to do so." I let out a low growl and nod. We walked into the tower and in the room hung a banner. On the banner there was a message that read, "If qualities of heaven are your desire acquire wisdom to take your mind higher. If earthy qualities is what you lack train your body and prepare to attack. When heaven and earth are opened together the perilous path will become righteous forever, this ______ is the secret light that guides us from this place today." I let out an exasperated sigh and screamed. "What does that even mean!?!? I need to wrap this up so I can go save my team!!"

Akuma placed his hand on my shoulder and gave a small squeeze. "It'll be okay, just slow down and think calmly." Yuue scoffs and pulls out the heaven scroll and opens it. "What is this..." I walk over and look at the scroll. There is a summoning circle with the word person in the center. Akuma tilted his head and opened the earth scroll. It had the same thing on the inside. When we held them close to one another it began to smoke. Our eyes widened and Yuue and Akuma threw the scrolls away from us on the ground. Smoke filled the room and once it cleared a woman wearing a Chūnin vest was sanding where the scrolls were. She gave a gentle smile before speaking. "Congratulations from this moment on you have finished the second exam for the Chūnin exam. Now I am here to explain the meaning of the Hokage's message. The hea..."

I shoved my hand into her face stopping her from talking. "Hold up. Can I go back into the forest after this?" She looked shocked and then glared slightly at me for interrupting her, "Excuse me?"

I growled and stomped my foot, "Can I go back into the forest right now or not?! It's a simple question!"

She rolled her eyes, sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. "Well seeing as from this point on you don't have to work in a three man squad I guess it's fine... But in order to be able to participate in the next even you MUST be back at the tower by the end of the fifth day. Any later and you will be disqualified." I dashed to the door the moment she said it was fine to go look for my team. As long as I'm back by the fifth day I should be fine, that won't be too hard. Hopefully...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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