Meeting MooMoo

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Aoime's POV

When Naruto and I returned back to the group we began towards Tazuna's house. I guess what I said really cheered Naruto up because he ran ahead and became overly paranoid. He was looking into the bushes and up into the trees. When he heard a noise he threw a kunai into a bush. Baka-Kakashi smacked him in the back of the head, "Don't go randomly waist kunais because you're paranoid!"

I giggled and went to retrieve Naruto's kunai. When I moved the bush out of the way I seen a white bunny that looked petrified with a kunai lodged in the tree between its ears. I frowned and picked up the poor thing, "Naruto you baka! You almost killed this poor bunny!" Naruto's eyes widened and he tried to take it from me while he was crying about how sorry he was. I held my leg up, keeping Naruto a good distance from the bunny, and held the bunny closer to my chest. I seen out of the corner of my eye that Baka-Kakashi was on edge. 

I learned, after what happened with the demon brothers, that if you see him on edge it's best to go on edge also. All of a sudden I could barely hear something whirling through the air. Kakashi's eyes widened, "Duck!" Everyone fell immediately, except for Naruto but I quickly pulled him down with me. A loud bang is heard right above me and Naruto.

I looked up and seen a giant sword lodged into the tree. Naruto and I stood/jumped away from the sword. I was on the other side of Sasuke and Naruto was on the other side of Sakura.

When I looked back at the sword a man wearing gray brown cow printed pants, a navy blue scarf, bandages coving his mouth stood on the hilt of the sword with his back facing us. "Give me the old man and I might just let you leave with your li-"

"Pfft..." I slapped my hand over my mouth before falling over histarically laughing. "What the hell are you wearing?!" I got a worried glares from everyone except for MooMoo, hey I like that. He'll be known as MooMoo! MooMoo just glared at me with pure hatrid.

Baka-Kakashi sighed and face palmed, "Aoime, he is Zabuza Momoich-"

"His name is Momoichi! That's perfect! I'll defanently call him MooMoo!" Everyone anime falls. MooMoo looked ready to kill me right then and there but Baka-Kakashi stood between MooMoo and I.

Kakashi looks over his shoulder at me before looking back at MooMoo. "Aoime, he is known as the Demon hidden in the mist, known for his silent killing technique."

I blink at Kakashi blankly, "So?"

Kakashi face palmed, hard. "Aoime, can you not sense when your life is in danger or is it only when Naruto's is?"

"Huh?" My head tilted in confusion and he just let out another sigh.

MooMoo started to laugh, and not the cheerful kind either. "I like that kid. Give me her and I'll let the bridge builder live another day."

Baka-Kakashi looked back at me like he was considering his offer. My jaw hit the ground, he's actually considering this! I can not believe it! Before I could voice my thoughts, he grabbed his forehead protector. "I'm sorry but I can't give you either of them." Then he lifted it up and revealed a fully developed sharingan.

I gasped with disbelief. Only a full blooded Uchiha could have the sharingan, so how could he have it. I glanced over to Sasuke, who was staring at me, obviously thinking the same thing as me.

MooMoo let's out another evil laugh, "So what they say is true! The copy ninja posses the sharingan!"

Naruto looked from Kakashi to me and Sasuke and back. "Neh, neh, what is that? And why does Sasuke and Aoime-chan look so upset about it?"

If looks could kill Sasuke would have killed Kakashi ten times over. "That, is the sharingan. It is a special skill that only Uchihas posses."

"So does that mean Aoime-chan will also get that?! So cool!"

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