What?! There's another test?!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in the anime. I do however own Aoime and any other OC's that might appear.

Aoime's POV

It's been three hours since lunch ended and Papa already went home, yet there is no sign of our sensei. Naruto is up front putting a chalk eraser in the door so when our sensie walks in it will fall on him. "Heh this is what you get for being so late..." Sakrap scolding him. Duck Butt is currently being an emo and saying that a jounin won't fall for such a childish prank.

And what might I be doing you may be wondering? I'm keeping look out for our sensie. After Naruto has it all set I see a silver haired jounin with a mask covering most of his face walks by. "He's coming!" I whisper as I jump over a few tables then sit down and pretend to be innocent while secretly watching the other door. Naruto and Sakrap watch anxiously. The door slides open and...

Plop. It landed on top of his head. Naruto busted out laughing. Sakrap puts on her innocent face, "I'm so sorry sensei! I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen."

An irk mark appeared on my forehead and I jumped up out of my seat pointing an accusing finger at her, "That's not true! All you did was tell him not to do it while secretly egging him on!"

Duck Butt rolled his eyes while mumbling, "Losers."

Our sensei took the eraser off his head then gave us a closed eyed smile, "My first impression of you all is... I hate you. Meet me on the roof." He makes a few hand signs the poofs away leaving a cloud of smoke. We all look at each other and a sweat drop formed on our foreheads. Then we made our way to the roof.

When we reached the roof our sensei was leaning against the railing. He indicates for us to sit on the steps in front of him and we do. I sit between Naruto and Duck Butt while Sakrap sits on the other side of Duck Butt. "Let's get to know each other. Introduce yourselfs."

Sakrap being the annoying teacher's pet that she is raised her hand, "Sensei! What are we supposed to say?"

He thought for a minute, "Hmm... State your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dream for the future."

I raised my hand and mimic Sakrap's voice, "Sensei~ Can you show us what you mean?" Sakrap sends daggers my way but I pull Duck Butt between us and snicker. She stops immediately and I felt Duck Butt growl.

"Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I don't feel like telling you my likes and dislikes. I don't really have a dream for the future, and I have many hobbies."

Sakrap leans inwards and whispers, "All we really learned about him was his name..." Naruto and I nodded in agreement.

Kakashi-sensei points at Naruto, "You go."

Naruto flashes his signature grin, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen. I really like Ichiraku ramen, especially when Iruka-sensei takes me and Aoime out and treats me to it. I also like Aoime, she's my best friend. I don't really like when you have to wait three minutes for the ramen to cook. My hobbies include eating ramen and comparing them and hanging out with Aoime. My dream for the future is to become Hokage and have Aoime be my Anbu captin. That way thw entire village have to respect me. Believe it!"

Kakashi's eyes, well more like eye, widened a fraction before returning to normal. "You're next." He nods and points at Sakrap.

"My name is Sak-"


She glares at me but continues, "-ura Haruno. My likes are..." She blushes and glances at Duck Butt. "My hobbies are..." She blushes again, glancing at Duck Butt again. "And my dream for the future is..." She looks at Duck Butt again, this time squealing.

Iruka's Daughter likes Naruto?! (Naruto Fanfic And Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now