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Aoime's POV

MooMoo and Yuki-chan slowly emerged from the mist. They took either side of me. Duck Butt and Sakrap had already flanked either side of Tazuna and Baka-Kakashi stood in front of him. Baka-Kakashi glared at MooMoo before yelling, "Aoime, look out!"

I looked at MooMoo and Yuki-chan before turning back to my team, "What am I looking for?" Everyone anime fell and I just giggled.

When Baka-Kakashi stood back up he noticed Yuki-chan fully, "You're that tracker ninja. So you really were working for him. Who do you think you are, hiding behind that mask?"

Sakrap shot daggers at him, "Look who's talking sensei."

Duck Butt scoffed, "I'll take him on. I mean, who does he think he is, hiding behind a mask." Everyone sweat dropped.

Well everyone except Sakrap who just squealed about how cool he was. I sighed and shook my head, "Poor, poor Duck Butt. Can't even think of something original." I felt his eyes on my. They were filled with relief but also confusion.

MooMoo created a lot of clones that circled my teammates and Tazuna. Duck Butt started shaking and MooMoo noticed. "Looks like that one is shaking in his shoes again, poor kid." I seen Duck Butt smirk and look down.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Baka-Kakashi chuckled before saying, "Show them, Sasuke." His head snapped up revealing two fully developed sharingan. I gasped in surprise and honor. Hey he's my cousin. In a flash all of MooMoo's clones disapeared into puddles.

I tsked, there goes our plan on buying some time... Gotta think of something else. And quick. While I was thinking MooMoo had already thought of something. "Hm, he's saw through the water clones. His speed might even rival yours, Haku." I grinned, Yuki-chan could stall time while fighting with Duck Butt and MooMoo and I can stop Baka-Kakashi from enterfering. Perfect.

Yuki-chan disapeared only to reappear behind Duck Butt. I crossed my fingers that Baka-Kakashi would let Duck Butt handle Yuki-chan. I smirked as I watched Yuki-chan. He was only using half of his speed and he still hadn't used his kekkei genkai. Baka-Kakashi fell right for our ploy. This gave me the opportunity to talk with Baka-Kakashi. Or that's what I thought when Duck Butt sent Yuki-chan flying.

MooMoo flinched, "How could Haku loose in speed?!" I growled.

Kakashi stared at Zabuza blankly, "Well I can't have you underestimating my team and calling them 'brats' now can I? Sasuke is the villages #1 rookie. Sakura is the villages brightest. Aoime, there, is the villages smartest, even if she's choosing the wrong side now. And the other one is... The show off, hyper active, #1 loudest ninja in the village." He flashed a closed eyed smile.

I groaned inwardly but outwardly I giggled maniacally and was joined by Zabuza. "Hey Haku, Aoime. At this rate we'll be driven off."

I placed a finger on my chin, "Guess we have no choice." I grinned slyly at them. I jumped up and flipped sideways, landing on Zabuza's shoulders.

Yuki-chan began preforming some hand signs, "Special Jutsu, Demonic Ice Mirrors." Water began to rise from off of the bridge and create a dome of mirrors around Sasuke. Yuki-chan ran and jumped into one of the mirrors. Then Yuki-chan's image fills all of the mirrors.

Kakashi cursed and ran to save Sasuke but Zabuza appeared in front of him. I waved my finger in front of Kakashi, "Eh, eh, eh~ your opponent is us." Kakashi glared at me and I whispered, "Kakashi I have a plan" this caused him to freeze.

He narrowed his eye and rose his eyebrow, "Okay, I'm listening." I grinned as Zabuza lifted and sat me down.

"This fight isn't real. We're just trying to buy time."

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