Inari's past

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Inari's POV

Mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I looked around the table at the ninja that are here to protect Grandpa. Mother plated everyones food and passed the plates out. I glared at the two at the end who were eating like they were starved. Simultaneously; they finished eating, held up their plates, and yelled, "Seconds please!" They turned and glared at each other before turning green. They turned away from each other and hurled the food they had just ate.

The pink haired konoichi sat up on her knees, an irk mark on her forehead. She pointed at the two boys and growled, "Don't eat so much you're going to barf! You're waisting food that way!" They slowly sat back up and wiped their mouths.

The blonde rubbed the back of his head, "I need to eat more so that I can get stronger." The black haired ninja just grunted in agreement.

The silver haired jounin nodded smiling with closed eyes, "But if you eat so much that you will puke you won't be able to train." Naruto and Sasuke sweat dropped before asking for seconds again. They ate slower this time.

Sakura sighed and sat back down. She looked behind Grandpa and noticed that picture. I flinched when she asked about why someone was torn out. Mother placed her spoon beside her plate then gave a sad smile, "That was my husband."

Grandpa crossed his arm across his chest, "He was a hero in this town. He died protecting the village." That was it.

I stood up and left the room. I heard Mother call out to me then scolding Grandpa before chasing after me. "Hey Inari, open up. It's me." I didn't say anything. I just sat there thinking about that man.

|*| |*| |*|

One bully was holding my dog hostage and the other two were holding me back. "Poochi!"

"Wrong! This is shooting star!" Yelled the one holding Poochi.

I shook my head, "That's not choosing star! He's poochi! Give him back! He's my only friend! I won't give him to you!"

The bully holding Poochi stared at me blankly. "Shut up!" A grin flashed onto his face before he threw Poochi into the water. I screamed out his name as I watched him flail because he didn't know how to swim. "Heheh, that's what you get. I don't care about that dog anymore." His grin widened. "Okay let him go."

His two friends did as he said. I shoved their hands off of me. "What are you doing?! You're gonna kill him!"

The main bully's grin widened, "Heh, he's your precious friend right? Hurry up and save him." I flinched, "Hurry up. Poochi's gonna die!" The three bullies laughed maniacally. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes as I shook and cried. I couldn't swim so I can't save him. "Hey if he's your dog, hurry up and jump in!" I felt one of them kick me in the back. The force from it pushed me into the water.

I screamed as I flailed around in the water. I could hear them talking about something but I couldn't focus on it. All of a sudden I hear Poochi bark then I heard something paddling in the water. I looked towards Poochi and seen him paddling to shore. 'I can't believe it... He's just gonna leave me to die...' Everything blacked out.

When I woke up I seen a man cooking some fish on some sticks. When he noticed I was awake he smiled at me. "You finally awake kid? I yelled and taught those bad kids a lesson." He held up one of the fish, "Want one?"

I stared at him blankly before taking the fish. "You saved me?"

Between bites he answered, "You sure were getting picked on." Then he asked me to explain what happened, and I did. "I see... so even your dog didn't help you? In my country dogs are very loyal animals. But you didn't try to save him either, so what can you expect?" I flinched and looked down.

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