The silent Naruto

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Okay so I'm really getting tired of writing out a disclaimer with every chapter, and yes I know it's only been four chapters but I could be using the time I use to write the disclaimer to work on the story. So! One final disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in the anime. I do however own Aoime and any other OC's that might appear.

Vote, comment, and share please! Thank you!

Sasuke's POV

Everyone was moving in slow motion when I heard Sakura screamed something but I didn't hear her. I ran over and held Aoime in my arms. I shook her, come on Aoime wake up! I already lost Itachi and the rest of our clan, I can't loose you too! When she didn't wake up I laid her on her stomach then pulled out a kunai. I created a bigger cut than the scratch on her shoulder then began to sick out the poisoned blood. When my mouth was filled with blood I spat it out on the ground next to me. I continued to do this until I could no longer taste the poison.

Everything sped up and I relaxed when she looked to have calmed down. I held out my hand towards Naruto. He looked at me blankly. I glared at him. "Give. Me. The. Damn. Bandage!" He jumped and almost dropped the bandage roll he was holding. When he caught it he held it out to me. I snatched it from his hand and went to lift Aoime's shirt when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sasuke-kun I think I should be the one to bandage her." I turned to glare at her when I met her hand in my face, "I know that you want to do it because it's Aoime but how do you think she's going to feel when she finds out that you, a boy, removed her shirt in front of everyone, who other than me are men?"

I never let my glare waver but in my head I was terrified. Even though as kids we took baths together but, I looked at Naruto who was blankly staring at Aoime's sleeping and bloody body was, she'd kill me if she finds out he seen her naked... I sighed and reluctantly handed her the bandages.

She smiled and held the bandages close to her chest. Then she turned and glared at Kakashi, Naruto, and Tazuna. "Okay you all need to go behind the trees while I bandage her up." They nodded and Kakashi had to guide Naruto away because he continued to look at Aoime. I slowly rose and joined the other guys.

Sakura's POV

I wait until I couldn't see any of the guys before gently sitting Aoime up. I slowly took off her shirt and bandaged her. If it wasn't for Sasuke reacting the way he did i wouldn't be  treating her so gently. I don't want him to hate me. I think I racked up some points with him because of this. Her shirt was completely ruined so I dug through her bag and found a new shirt. I slid it over her head. When I was done I called back over the guys.

Naruto's POV

I looked over my shoulder at Aoime as Kakashi-sensei guided me away from Aoime. I felt empty watching Aoime lay there lifelessly. When we stopped I approached Sasuke, "Sasuke... Thank you for saving her..."

I felt his anger well up then felt his fist hit me in the face sending me flying into a tree. "Don't thank me for saving someone I care about! It's your fault she almost died!" I looked down as I slid down into a crumbled mess. He blames me for what happened, heck it's understandable. It was my fault that she got injured in the first place.

Kakashi-sensei moved in between us, his hands held up towards both of us. He glanced back in forth between me and Sasuke, "Come on guys, it's no one's fault. If anything its the Mist ninjas fault for attacking." I could feel Sasuke's rage still. He wouldn't forgive me that easily, and neither will I.

Ten minutes pass and Sakura-chan yelled, "It's all clear! You can come back now!" I slowly stood up and trudged back to where Sakura-chan and Aoime-chan were. I tripped every so often. I noticed that Sakura-chan had changed Aoime-chan's shirt. I took one look at her face before looking away, ashamed at myself. She looked so weak compared to her normal self...

~~~~~Later, still in the land of fire~~~~~

Sasuke's POV

I had to fight with Kakashi in order to carry Aoime on my back. There was no way I was going to leave her hands in anyone else's hands. We walked for a few more hours before reaching water. There was a boat hidden by some mist, if it wasn't for a man moving to greet us I doubt any of us would have seen it.

After Tazuna talked to the man he turned towards us, "He's willing to help take us across."

We all nodded and began to climb in the boat when I felt movement and heard Aoime groan. My eyes widened and I stopped moving, getting a suspicious glance from the man who owns the boat.

Aoime's POV

I was confused when I could smell Duck Butt's shampoo. I slowly opened my eyes to see someone's neck. I quickly shot up, which I quickly regretted because I almost fell and my shoulder decided to hurt like there was a knife in it. I felt someone's girp tighten on my thighs and held me in place. When I looked around I seen the back of Duck Butt's head, Sakrap, Baka-Kakashi, Tazuna, and a man I didn't know staring at me, and a disheveled Naruto.  "Oi, quit moving around so much! You might fall!" Duck Butt ordered as he crouched down to let me off his back.

As you can probably tell, I was confused beyond belief. "How did we get here so fast?" Baka-Kakashi sweat dropped.

"Well Aoime, you've been passed out for a few hours now."

My eyes widened, "What?! So... So then Duck Butt carried me here?"

Sakrap decided to chime in, "Yep, isn't he the sweetest person ever? He wouldn't even let Kakashi-sensei carry you. You should also stop calling him 'Duck Butt.' He did save your life."

My eyes widened even more and I looked over at Duck Butt with disbelief, "Really?" He just shrugged with his hands in his pocket and climbed into the boat. My eye twitched, it is so not cute when he does that. I climbed into the boat and sat by Naruto.

I turned to give him a grin but he called out to Duck Butt, "Oi Sasuke swap seats with me." My grin quickly left my face as Naruto swapped with Duck Butt and moved to the front of the boat. When we were all situated the driver pushed off of the dock.

Everyone was on edge as we got closer to the other side of the river. No one said a word, not even Naruto when we passed under the giant bridge! Something was up, and I am going to find out what.

When the boat docked I jumped out and grabbed Naruto's hand. Baka-Kakashi and Duck Butt tried to stop me but I glared at them, telling them to interfere if they dared. Naruto looked sort of distribed and tried to get out of my grip. When we were a goods way away from everyone I stopped.

I looked down and mumbled, "Naruto do you not like me anymore...?" He looked taken aback and shook his head.

"No, no! I could never not like you!"

I twisted on my heals and glared at him, "Then why have you constantly been avoiding me since I woke up!"

"Because!" He stopped and looked away from me, "Because it's my fault that you got hurt..."

I blinked, trying to comprehend what was just said. After a few seconds I smacked him up side his head, "Are you an idiot! That wasn't your fault, I jumped in front of you and got hurt on my own accord."

He rubbed where I hit him, still not looking at me. "You... really don't blame me..?"

I nodded, "Yep, I really really don't blame you." I beamed one of my largest smile at him.

He slowly looked at me then flashed one of his own. "You're the best Aoime! Believe it!"

"I know." I flipped my hair as I walked passed him then stopped and looked at him over my shoulder. We busted out laughing then went back to everyone.

Iruka's Daughter likes Naruto?! (Naruto Fanfic And Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now