Cat boy, fan girl and the chunin exam

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not gonna write about Zabuza and Haku's funeral. I was but I decided not too. I hope you guys understand.

Please comment, vote, and share! You guys rock!!

Aoime's POV

A month has passed since we buried MooMoo's and Yuki-chan's urns. I reached up and gently wrapped my hand around two capsil like charms that had a small bit of their ashes in it. Even after a month it was hard to sleep at night because I would either stay up think about them or I would have nightmares. I couldn't sleep at all last night, luckly it was only because i stayed up thinking about them. The nightmares had been coming less frequently and slightly less worse. When I had finally fallen asleep it was almost day brake. I woke up to the sound of someone tapping on my window. I groaned and rolled over. When I opened my eyes I seen Baka-Kakashi crouching outside my window staring at me. My eyes widened to saucers and I jumped back. I ended up falling off my bed and hit my head on the floor.

I shifted to where I could get on my knees and glared at my sensei. This is why I call you Baka-Kakashi!!! He gave my a closed eyed smile and pointed at something. I held up my hand and flicked him off before following his finger and seen my clock. '10:00am' flashed in a red glow across its face. My eyes widened again and I jumped up, "I over slept!!!" I grabbed some clean clothes from out of my dresser before rushing to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Before I turned on the water I heard a knock on the front door. "Coming!" I heard Papa yell. "Oh Kakashi-sensei, what are you doing here?" I didn't hear his answer because I had jumped into the shower.

When I got out I slipped into an outfit different from my norm.[1] I felt different so I decided to dress different. I rushed downstairs to see Baka-Kakashi and Papa talking over a cup of coffee. When they noticed me Baka-Kakashi stood up and motioned for me to follow. I nodded then ran up to Papa and kissed him on his cheek. "Love you! I'll see ya when I get home!" He nodded and waved as I ran out the door to catch up with Baka-Kakashi.

When we arrived we scratched the back of out heads and simultaneously said, 'Sorry, got lost.'[2]

An irk mark appeared on Naruto and Sakura's head. They pointed at us and screamed, 'Quit lying with a straight face!' Technically we weren't lying. We did get lost but that wasn't the only reason why we were late. Baka-Kakashi and I turned and smirked at each other.

I zoned out as Baka-Kakashi tells us what our mission for today was and walked to stand next to a grumbling Naruto and a pink tint looking Duck Butt. Weird.

Sasuke's POV

I looked away in the same bored matter I always did when Aoime walked over and stood between Naruto and I. I gotta act normal. I could feel her looking at me with a raised eyebrow before shrugging and turning to Naruto. "Hey Aoime, you excited about this mission? I'm gonna prove once and for all I'm better than Sasuke to Sakura-chan! Believe it!" I scoffed.

Aoime gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah you will!!" He grinned at her before running ahead. Aoime was smiling sadly before she shook her head and replaced it with her signature smile. She ran and caught up with the dobe. I silently glared at the back of his head.

~~~~~After the mission, same POV~~~~~

Aoime had the dobe's arm slung over her shoulder because he over exerted himself again. He let out a deep sigh and Aoime let out a small giggle. "It's because you push yourself too hard." She smiled down at him lovingly which caused me to glare.

How can he not see that she's in love with him? He's so dense! I wish she liked someone more like me... Wait that's not what I meant!! I felt my cheeks heat up a little. "Can't even take care of yourself?" I scoffed. That got a glare out of Aoime, I didn't care though. Better than her looking at him with a pain and loved filled gaze. I put my hands in my pockets and walked a little ahead.

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