Guarding the drunk!

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Disclaimer: I do not owtn Naruto or any characters in the anime. I do however own Aoime and any other OC's that might appear.

Aoime's POV

"Naruto, at point A."

"Sakura, at point B."

"Sasuke, point C."

I hold down the button on the side of the headset, "Aoime, at point D and I see the target."

"Okay on the count of three confront the target." Baka-Kakashi's voice echos through the headset. I nod even though I knew that he couldn't see me. "One." I crouched down. "Two." Prepared to launch at the target. "Three!" I jumped down prepared to tackle the target but crashed into Naruto.

We fell to the ground. The target looked at us before deciding my head looked my a comfy bed. It stretched then curled up on my head. Naruto jumped up and decided it was a good idea to pick up the slumbering cat. The cat retaliated by scratching and clawing at him. Sakrap and Duck Butt walked up and took one look at its ear before reporting back to Baka-Kakashi.

Duck Butt pressed the button on his own head set, "We found the target and it has the red ribon on its ear like the client said."

Baka-Kakashi's voice came over the set, "Good job, now bring it back to the client."

We all nodded then began towards the Hokage building back in town. When we walked into the room we understood why the poor cat ran away. "Oh my sweet Darling! Mama missed you!" Yelled a fat lady.

I sent a small look of apology to the cat as it tried to get away from the woman. Naruto just laughed, "That's what you get!" He fell over laughing. I hit Naruto on the head, instantly shutting him up. The woman paid Gramps before leaving with the cat hissing in her arms.

Everyone was watching the woman leave with apologetic eyes for the cat, including Gramps. Once the woman was out of the room he cleared his throat and straightened some folders. "Alright team Kakashi, there are a few missions for you to choose from. There's; babysitting for a lord, assisting a lord's wife with grocery shopping, or picking potatoes. Which do you choo-"

Naruto crossed his arms, forming an X then yelled, "Come on gramps! No more of these baby missions! Give us something harder!" Duck Butt, Sakrap and I nodded in agreement.

Papa stood up and slammed his hands on the table, "You're all just a bunch of rookies! What makes you think you're ready for a harder mission!"

I looked directly into Papa's eyes, "It's because we're rookies that we want a harder mission. We won't grow as ninja otherwise." An irk mark appeared on Papa's head.

Naurto sat on the floor beside me with his arms crossed over his chest nodding, "Yeah yeah! I'm not that same brat I was in the academy!" Baka-Kakashi stepped behind us and hit us up side the head.

Gramps placed a hand on Papa's shoulder to calm him down. He then began to explain to us the importance of the ranks of the missions. When he finished we were all gathered around Naruto, including Baka-Kakashi, as he was telling us about what kind of ramen he was going to be eating after this.

An irk mark appeared on Gramps' head. Baka-Kakashi rubbed the back of his head, "I'm sorry Lord Hokage..."

Gramps cleared his throat, "Alright, if you think you're ready, I'll give you a C-rank mission. You will be protecting someone while escorting them home. Send them in."

We all cheered and Naruto asked, "Who is it? A princess? A feudal lord? Who is it? Who is it?!" The door creaked open revealing an old drunkard. The rench of alcohol could be smelled a mile away.

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