Returning home

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Hey guys!! I might be a little late with posting this because of school so I just want to appoligize before hand! If I end up posting this on time then oh well, lol.

Aoime's POV

I sat in front of the two make shift urns praying, MooMoo, Yuki-chan. Watch out for us on the way home. When I get home I'll use the money we get from this mission to throw a little funeral... MooMoo, I hope you don't mind me taking your sword back with me. Yuki-chan, I'll take some of MooMoo's and your ashes and sprinkle them over your mother's grave. I clapped my hands then gave a senrei bow.[1] I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in." I slowly sat up and looked to see who it was.

Sakura peaked into my room. "It's time to go Aoime-chan." I nodded then placed MooMoo and Yuki-chan[2] into my bag before standing up. I grabbed Zabuza's sword and, with help from Sakura, attached it to my back. I had to unscrew the handle off so I could fit through the door frames.

Sakura and I had gotten a little closer over the two weeks since the bridge. Not close enough that I like her; but, enough that I no longer hate her. As we walked downstairs we were talking about what we had planned on doing with the money from the mission. "I'm gonna buy some new clothes and gear, what about you?"

I felt my eyes glaze over. "I'm gonna spend it on a proper funeral for these two..." I lifted the strap of my bag a bit to indicate MooMoo and Yuki-chan.

She froze and looked at me with sad, apologetic eyes. "If there's anything I can do to help, I will. All you have to do is ask." I stopped and looked up at her smiling.

"I know, thanks." She returned my smile with a sad smile. We continued to walk downstairs. When we reached the bottom of the stairs the guys were discussing the travel plan. Naruto grinned and waved us over. I stood beside Naruto and Sakura stood between Duck Butt and I.

Duck Butt stared at me with a blank expression before he slowly shifted around Sakura to stand between her and I. I raised my eye brow at him and he just shrugged at me. "Okay so we are gonna head out now so that we can get back before night fall." Baka-Kakashi said.

Simultaneously we all said, "Un." Then we were off.

When we got to the completed bridge we seen the entire village waiting for us. Inari was standing in front of Tazuna, whose hand was on top of Inari's head. "It's thanks to you that we were able to finish this bridge. Thank you for everything." We all smiled.

Well all but Naruto, who was shaking and trying not to cry. "Don't worry we'll come visit..."

Inari was also shaking from trying not to cry. "You... Better..."

Naruto placed his hands on his hips. "Hey Inari, you're sad right? It's okay to cry!" He let out a deep fake laugh.

Inari scowled, "I'm not gonna cry! But you can cry if you want Naruto!" Naruto stopped laughing.

He turned on his heals. "Fine later..." Naruto began crying. Inari reached out towards Naruto and started crying himself. I let out a deep sigh.

I approached Tazuna and held out my hand, "Hey geezer, hope there isn't any hard feelings between us." I grinned at him with my eyes shut.

He let out a deep laugh and grabbed my hand. "Nah, no hard feelings between us you little brat." As if on que our eyes opened and we were glaring at each other. After about a minute we broke eye contact and I joined my team.

~~~~~The next day at the gates of Konoha~~~~~

Aoime's POV

It had taken us longer to get home than what Baka-Kakashi had thought because Naruto and Duck Butt got us lost. We ended up having to camp over night we were so lost. The next morning Baka-Kakashi climbed a tree to try and figure out where we were. Turned out we were about ten miles away.

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