Naked Lady 0.0

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Aoime's POV

I looked around the room to see if my team was left. I smiled wide when I seen we were all there then my eyes landed on Yuue who was glaring at me. I gave a sheepish wave before turning to the front.

Jeesh what's her problem... I'm just making sure my team made it through the test it's not like I'll purposefully disquali... Oooh that's it she thinks I'm going to quit to make sure my team has one less opponent to deal with, not gonna happen Papa and Sasuke would be pissed at me! Let alone Naruto.

I glanced over at Naruto to see him shaking with his hand in the air and my heart stops. "Oh Naruto... No..." I wispered.

Then he slammed his hand on the desk in front of him, "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want, I don't care if I become a genin for the rest of my life! I will become hokage one way or another!"

Ibi-chi narrowed his eyes at him, "Are you sure, if you don't pass there won't be another way."

Naruto matched his glare, "No way, when I make up my mind it's made."

I stood up and cuffed my hands around my mouth, "Woo! You tell 'em Naruto!" I could feel Yuue glaring into my back and sat down still grinning.

After Naruto's little out break no one else raised their hand. Ibi-chi sighed and held up a stack of paper. He straightened the papers before grinning, it was a little creepy if you ask me. "Then there's only one more thing for me to tell you. You've all passed thw first exam."

Sakura stood up so quickly he chair scratched the floor, "Hold on what do you mean we all passed? What about th..." Her question was interrupted by a pencil hitting her head.

She turned around to see the pencil came from me, "Would you shut up and just accept it! We made it to the second exam, be happy!" Loud cheers erupted from the rest of the genin in the room.

Everyone instantly shuts up when a loud crash came from up front. When I looked a banner was pinned to the ceiling and floor by kunie. Standing in front of the banner was a lady half naked.

My jaw dropped and my eye twitched. She's gonna be our next prompter? Are you kidding me? She's mental, I mean look at what she's wearing! At least Naruto is a gentalmen and wont be affected. I looked over at Naruto smiling softly only for my jaw to go slack again. He was grinning and giggling with a small trail of blood coming out of his nose. NARUTO YOU BAKA!

Third POV

All the guys nose started to bleed except for Sasuke and a kid with red hair around my age. "Heads up boys and girls, this is no time to be celebrating! I'll be your next prompter, Anko Midarashi! You ready? Alright let's go! Follow me!" She raised her arm into the air as she cheered.

Naruto shuddered under the dark aura that suddenly enclosed around him. Huh... what's going on? It just suddenly got cold in here... Naruto turned around slowly to see Aoime glaring at him. He shivered before turning back around anime crying, I'm so dead.

Ibiki walked around the banner and looked blankly at Anko, "You're early, again."

Anko sweat dropped as she slowly lowered her arm, "Hehe..." She then became serious as she looked around the room. "How many are left? Ibiki, your test was too easy. Are you going soft or what?"

Said man sighed and shook his head. "Or maybe they are just stronger this year." Anko just shrugged like she didn't believe that could be the case.

"They sure don't look it. Trust me, before I'm done more than half will be eliminated." She scoffed. All of the genin tensed up and looked nervous. "Alright listen up maggots you've had it easy up to this point but things are going to be different first thing in the morning. I'll let your squad leaders know where you are to meet me. Dismissed~"

Ibiki's  POV.

As I'm collecting all of the exam papers I walk up to the desk that brat sat at, I think her name was Aoime. As I pick up her paper I read over it. My hands tighten around the papers in my other hand. I deadpanned. What the hell is wrong with this girl? And that Naruto, I passed two candidates who didn't answer a single question. I couldn't help but chuckle and continued to collect the papers.

Aoime's POV (at Ichiraku Ramen)

Naruto broke his chopsticks and yelled, "Woo! Time to celebrate! Itadakimas!" He slurped, more like breathed, some noodles. I couldn't help but smile.

After we were all done with our bowls of ramen, Naruto had like five, I pulled out the scroll that I had sealed their gifts into. "I was gonna wait until we were completely done with the chunin exams but here." I tossed it, more like chunked it, at Baka-Kakashi's head. He caught it with one hand and quirked his visible eyebrow at me.

He rolled it out on the counter all the way to me. Five smoke clouds puffed off of the scroll when they cleared all the gifts were layer out accordingly: Baka-Kakashi's newest addition of Make Out Paradise with the cover of how to quit being a perv superglued onto it, Sakura's ring in its box, Sasuke's sword unsheethed laying on the counter, Naruto-kun's necklace in its box, and finally my empty necklace box. I already had my necklace on.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto-kun's eyes all widened, while Baka-Kakashi's narrowed until he opened the book and read the first page.

Sakura's eyes watered as she grabbed the ring to study it. "Thank you Aoime-chan!" She quickly put it on her right pointer finger.

Sasuke smirked as he swung his new sword around, I even heard him mutter something along the line of, "Nice. Thanks Aoi."

Baka-Kakashi was giggling like a school girl with his nose in his book.

Naruto looked from his necklace to mine and back a couple of times before grinning wide, "Thanks Aoi-chan! It's kinda like yours, that's so cool!" I couldn't help but grin.

"So you all like them?"

"Hn. Of course." Swish.

"Yes thank you Aoime-chan!"


"Yeah I do! Believe it!"

"I'm glad! Well I gotta get going, Papa want to celebrate with me too."

I got off of my stool and slowly began to walk home. I stopped when I heard someone running behind me. I turned around to see Naruto-kun running towards me, when he reached me he engulfed me in a tight hug. "Thanks so much for the necklace Aoime-chan, really." He cooed into my ear. I shivered and felt my face heat up.

I hugged him back and squeaked out, "No! *cough cough* No problem, I seen it and it just screamed you."

When he let go he was grinning wide, "Let me walk you home, I wanna tell Iruka about the first part of the exam too!"

I giggled and started walking again, "Alright come on. Papa is waiting."


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I'm going to try and get another chapter or two in by May, when June comes I'll be able to write some more. Don't forget to comment and share!

Iruka's Daughter likes Naruto?! (Naruto Fanfic And Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now