Day of the chunin exam

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Hey guys!! I just wanted to say how happy I am that my book is getting so popular! Also I really wish y'all will comment that way I can know what's working and what's not. ;) Thanks so much!! Love all of you!!


Aoime's POV

My eyes fluttered open slowly. I sat up and took a look at my surroundings. Memories from yesterday started to flood my mind.

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"Aoime! This would look so good on you!!" Sakura held up a hot pink shirt with a collar that was so big you had to cock it to one side to keep it on, leaving one shoulder bare.

I scrunched my nose at it then held up a shirt myself. "I'll try it on if you try this on!" It was a shirt similar to what I had on now except it was a crop top with sleeves but the shoulders were bare.

She pretended to gag and I puffed my cheeks out. We glared into each others eyes before busting into laughter. I took the shirt she picked out for me and she did the same. This continued for a while until our arms were overflowing with clothes, we headed for the changing rooms. We took turns trying on tops.

When we had on a top we would walk out of the changing room and model the shirts. We had a contest going, while one tried on a shirt they had to make the other one laugh. This continued until we both found a shirt that we liked. We checked out and headed to my place.

On the way we saw Papa leaving the bookstore. "Oh just the person we were going to meet!!" I screamed pointing at him. He jumped then sweat dropped. "Can I stay the night at Sakura's? Her place is closer to the Academy than home is."

He raised an eye brow. "Uh... Sure? But only if her parents are okay with it." Sakura and I turned to each other and high fived. I hugged Papa and kissed his cheek before Sakura and I started for her house.

When we arrived Sakura just ran up to her room dragging me with her. "Mom, a friend is staying the night!!" I could hear a faint 'okay' before Sakura closed the door behind us.

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Surprisingly I actually enjoyed myself. I yawned and stretched before standing up. Just then the door opened, revealing an older Sakura. I smiled, "Morning Mrs. Haruno."

She smiled back. "Morning sweetheart? Did you sleep well?" I nodded. "That's good to hear. Do you mind waking my daughter up?"

I nodded. "Sure, no thing." She smile widen before she turned around and left the room again. I grinned evily before doing some hand signs then whispered, "Transformation no Jutsu!" A puff of smoke surrounded me and when it cleared I smirked and looked down. I was wearing Duck Butt's clothes and when I reached up I felt his hair. I crawled into bed beside Sakura and wrapped my arms around her before twirling her hair. She groaned a little and swatted away my hand. "Is that how it is?"

Her eyes snapped open and her face turned red. "S-S-Sasuke-kun?!?!" I fell out of the bed laughing. The jutsu disappearing. I heard Sakura huff before she threw a pillow at me.

I fell over from the force. "You... hahaha... Should have... ahahahah!! Seen your face!! Hahahaha!!"

She puffed out her cheeks before yelling, "Transformation no Jutsu!" A cloud of smoke surrounded her and when it cleared she had turned into Naruto. She sat next to me on the floor and tried to flirt with me in Naruto's body. I busted out laughing.

Iruka's Daughter likes Naruto?! (Naruto Fanfic And Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now