The plan

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Hi everyone! I made a huge discovery! I apparently can't write when I'm at home so I can only write when I'm at school. Hopefully I can finish this before I graduate! Wish me luck!

Aoime's POV

A week has passed and I was in town[1] training out my kekkei genkai while touching someone. I squeezed my eyes shut as I 'accidentally' bumped into someone. I opened my eyes and saw his lips move as he yelled, "Watch were you're going you damn brat!" My eyes widened with delight and a wide grin plastered itself on my face.

I turned to look at Yuki-chan who sent me a small smile before bowing at the man. "I apologize for my little brother's rudeness." When he stood up he flashed a warm, closed eyed smile at the man. He rubbed the back of his head blushing. The man told Yuki-chan that all was forgiven and that it was more so his fault than mine.

Now, you all are probably wondering why Yuki-chan called me a boy? Well, in order for us to go to town we have to wear a disguise; and no I did not cut my hair. Yuki-chan just styled it so I looked like a boy because I was not going to cut my hair. When the man walked away Yuki-chan turned to me, "Great job Aoime-chan, tonight we will celebrate." I jumped into the air and cheered.

When we returned back to the hideout we put the basket of food we bought in the kitchen. "MooMoo, guess what?!" I heard a grunt coming from his room and continued. "I can control the fukai himitsu[2] when I touch someone now!"

I hard him scoff, "You've been at this for a week and that's the best you can do?" If it was a week ago I would have been upset but now I know that translated to, "That's amazing kid!" I grinned as I helped Yuki-chan clean the vegetables.

We heard a loud bang coming from MooMoo's room and rushed to check on him. When I entered the room I saw MooMoo on the floor. Yuki-chan sighed when he saw objects clattered on the ground. After he helped MooMoo back up on his bed he left the room to get the broom. "MooMoo why can't you just rest in bed instead of trying to push yourself?" I slowly began picking up the objects that hadn't broke and sat them back where they belonged.

Yuki-chan returned and began to sweep up the broken shards of glass. "I can't sit still. The longer I'm in this bed the farther along that bridge builder gets. And the stronger those brats get." I flinched when he mentioned Team 7.

Yuki-chan must have noticed because he told me to go get changed. I nodded and walked into Yuki-chan and my room. When the door closed I heard another door open. I cracked open my door and seen a small man walk through the hideout followed by two taller men. I took my hair down and followed them to MooMoo's room. I narrowed my eyes at this. Who does he think he is, just walking into our hideout like he owned the place...

I noticed the door was left open just a crack. I peered into MooMoo's room right as the man started to reach for MooMoo. I began to rip the door open but froze when Yuki-chan appeared beside the man. He grabbed the short man's arm, his face was blank but he eyes screamed murder, "How dare you try to touch Zabuza-sama with those filthy hands." The man's bodyguards twitched and was about to attack Yuki-chan.

My eyes widened and the next thing they knew I was behind them with their arms pinned to the middle of their backs. "If you don't want to die, you better not move." They stopped in their tracks.

The short man pulled his arm from Yuki-chan's grip, his wrist turning purple. It's obviously broken. "You have one more try, Zabuza Momoich! Or else!" I let go of the taller men's arms and activated the fukai himitsu when the smaller man bumped into me.

I gripped his broken wrist -breaking it even more- and sent him a death glare, "Don't you dare threaten them." I let go of his shoulder and moved beside Yuki-chan.

Gato sent me a glare before him and his goons left. When he was gone MooMoo began talking, "Haku, Aoime, there was no need in doing that."

Yuki-chan shook his head sighing, "If you kill him now we would loose his protection." I took the kunai MooMoo had hidden in his hand under the blanket. I twirled the kunai on my finger and beamed a smile. Yuki-chan turned to me, "What did you see?" My grin dropped.

I sat on the edge of MooMoo's bed then propped myself on my arms as I leaned back. "He's planning on double crossing you after you kill Tazuna." I glanced over at MooMoo then back at Yuki-chan. Their eyes said that they already suspected it. "You know... You don't have to work for him." I slowly began kicking my legs.

MooMoo chuckled, "Kid you know I'm an S-rank criminal. I can't just willy-nilly walk into a town and ask for citizenship." YukiYuki-chan just smiled at me with kind eyes.

That's when I smirked and glanced over at MooMoo. "You can if you come back with me. I can tell Gramps about the fukai himitsu and use it on you guys then tell them what I see. Then Gramps would have no choice but to let you in!" MooMoo stared at me while he thought.

Yuki-chan, however, grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him. "Aoime-chan, are you one hundred percent positive that they will just let Zabuza-sama and myself join the hidden leaf." I placed a finger on my lip and thought for a moment.

I shook my head sadly as my smirk faded. "I'm not one hundred percent sure; but, isn't it better than running away again?"

MooMoo sat up slowly, wincing as his body protested, and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Okay kid. We will go with you to the hidden leaf, on one condition. I have to like your plan." A grin formed on my face.

Sakura's POV

It's been a week since Aoime's been gone... Naruto and Sasuke get into fights whenever she's mentioned and I just watch as Kakashi-sensei breaks them up. I feel so useless when that happens. When Kakashi-sensei woke up on the second day at Tazuna-san's he taught us how to climb up a tree only using chakra. He was slowly healing but he still had to use crutches to get around. Since I had successfully climbed the tree on my first try I was put on gaurd duty. Wherever Tazuna-san went I went.

We were in town when I noticed someone who looked like Aoime purposefully bump into a man. I began to approach her when a beautiful woman stepped forward, "I'm sorry for my little brother's rudeness." When I took a closer look I seen that the girl was actually a boy.

Tazuna placed his hand on my shoulder as the boy who looks like Aoime cheered about something. "Hey, I thought he looked like her too." I smiled softly before nodding.

"Where too first?" He led me to a produce stand, which I noticed was very bare. After we were done I felt a hand on my butt. I froze and shook with anger before spinning around and socking the perv that touched me. I huffed and passed a shocked looking Tazuna-san. "Well? Where are we going-" I felt another tug on my dress and I raised my fist while turning.

I froze when I saw it was a little girl. "Can you spare some food onee-chan?..." I slowly nodded and dug through my purse for some candy that I keep on me. She cupped her hand and I dumped so much candy into her hand that it over flowed. Her lifeless eyes filled with childish like wonder, "Thanks onee-chan!!"

My eyes brimmed with tears as I watched her run back to a sickly woman and a girl younger than her. Tazuna-san walked next to me and watched them as well, "This is why we need that bridge. When it's finished people of this land will be able to get fresher produce and better medicine for the sick." A smile formed on my face as I nodded and whiped away the tears on my face.

[1] They are in town because Zabuza was tired of being a test monkey for Aoime.

[2] Fukai himitsu literally translates to deepest secret.

Hey guys! This was a really short chapter, I'm sorry bout that. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Thanks so much for reading 'Iruka's daughter likes Naruto?!' ! I hope you continue reading and enjoying it. As always; comment, vote, and share. Thanks!

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