Oh no I can not handle two!

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Aoime's POV

When we entered the academy and began up the stairs something caught my attention. I turned and looked out the window. I narrowed my eyes but kept walking. When we reached the room, a boy with bowl cut styled black hair wearing a green, full body leotard with bright orange leg warmers was kicked to the floor. Oh it's Lee! I haven't seen him since the last time I was at the Hyuuga resident! Wait why is he pretending to be weak and where's PomPom-chan and Neji-onii-chan?[1] I shifted my gaze a little. Standing to Lee's left was a girl wearing a Chinese styled ninja and to his right a boy that looked similar to Hina-chan. Oh there they are! Two genin that looked oddly like younger versions of Kotetsu and Izumo stood in front of the door to the room. Mini-Kotetsu spoke up,"Ha! You want to take the chunin exam with that?! You should quit now. It's not for little kids." He had a smug expression on his face.

Mini-Izumo smirked and nodded. "Yeah yeah!"

PomPom-chan hesitantly approached them. "Please... let us pass..." She looked close to crying. Mini-Kotetsu's left arm twitched. The next thing any of us noticed her right cheek was red and she was falling to the floor. "Ugh!"

A random genin that was standing in the front growled, "Horrible..."

Mini-Kotetsu scoffed and stared right at the other genin. "What you say? You should be thanking us. We've taken this exam three times now. People who take this exam end up quiting being a shinobi halfway through, end up dying, we've seen it all. And those who make it end up being put on military teams as captains. Those who fail have to shoulder the responsibility of the failure or even the responsibility of the death of a comrade. Yet kids like you think you can pass?" Mini-Izumo and him smirk. "We are thinning out those who will fail, is there anything wrong with that?"

I smirked and shook my head as Duck Butt stepped forward. "I agree but, you will let me through." Everyone turned and glared at him.

I stepped beside him and propped my arm on his shoulder before leaning a little onto him. "And while you're at it, remove the genjutsu you have placed. We want to go to the third floor. Not the second." I closed my eyes and smiled kindly.

Mini-Izumo smirked, "So you noticed?"

I sighed, shook my head, and shrugged all at the same time. "Anyone would have seen through this faulty genjutsu. Right Sakura?" I turned and looked at Sakura.

Duck Butt nodded and looked over his shoulder at her. "You were probably the first to notice it too. You're knowledge on genjutsus are the best out of us." A small smirk formed on his lips.

Sakura looked like she was confused but only for a minute before her and Naruto -with his hands laced behind his head- joined Duck Butt and I. "Of course I did! I noticed it a while ago. This is the second floor." A confident smirk appealed on her lips.

Naruto grinned and chuckled before nodding. "Yep!"

The number on the sign faded and was replaced with 301. The other genin behind us gasped. "How did you figure it out?" Mini-Kotetsu asked.

I raised my right eyebrow a fraction and stared at them like they were retards. "Are you serious? When walking up here nothing outside changed after we reached the second floor. I mean you'd have to be really stupid to not have noticed." I explained. Duck Butt glanced at me with an glint of amusement in his eyes.

Mini-Kotetsu's smug expression returned. "Hm, not bad. But all you did was..." He smirked and lifted his leg, twisted, put his palms downwards on the floor aiming a kick at Duck Butt. "See through it!!" Duck Butt twisted, aiming a leg at Mini-Kotetsu. I sighed as I watched the two boys, waiting for an impact that never came.

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