I'm pissed.

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Kakashi's POV

Everyone was silent as we listened to Aoime's screams. That is until Zabuza started to chuckle. "Looks like I picked up a really useful tool. I even convinced that kid there that I wanted join the hidden leaf just to get information on all of you. She completely fell for it too." He gripped the handle of his sword and swung. I picked up Aoime, who was holding the dead boy, and hopped out of the way of the sword.

I landed a good ways away from Zabuza. I sat Aoime down then slowly reached down to take the boy's body out of her arms to lay him down. After some resisting Aoime let me take the Haku out of her arms and lay him down. She collapsed over him and continued to cry into his chest. Slowly, I reached forward and gently closed his eyes.

When I turned around I was surprised that Zabuza hadn't moved. Instead he was staring at Aoime and Haku with pain filled eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I seen that Naruto was shaking with anger. "Naruto... stay there. This is my fight." I was glaring at the demon of the mist.

I could hear Sakura scream, "You're alright!! Huh? What about Sasuke?! Where's Sasuke?!" Naruto didn't answer. I gritted my teeth, I knew what that silence ment.

Zabuza started to charge at me, "Hey this isn't time to be sight seeing!" I snapped. I appeared before him and kicked him in the gut. It sent him flying. Soon I could hear Sakura's cries join Aoime's. When Zabuza stopped sliding he was panting hard. He grabbed his sword and charged at me again.

I pulled out a kunai and charged at him also. He was moving slow. I easily sliced up his left arm, rendering it useless. He growled out in anger before swinging his sword at me. I dodged it and appeared behind him. My kunai pressed to his neck. "You can't beat me in your current state."

His body went ridged. "What?!"

"You haven't noticed? Oh well. This is goodbye devil." I grabbed another kunai and spun it on my finger. I grabbed the handle and began to lung it towards him. Out of the corner of my eye I seen him swing his sword backwards towards me. I quickly shifted my arm and dug the kunai in my hand into his other arm. His sword flung out of his grip. "Now both of your arms are useless. You can't even preform a seal."

"Ooh, you're getting your ass kicked. How disappointing." I turned and saw a short man standing before an army of rogue ninjas.

Zabuza stared blankly at the man, "Gato, what are you doing here?" So this is Gato...

Gato grinned slyly, "The plan had changed Zabuza. You cost too much so you're going to have to die here. Actually I was never planning on paying you to begin wi-"

"Yeah I already knew that." Zabuza shrugged. "That kid over there found out when she broke your arm bones into crumbs. When she did she offered to take us back with her to the leaf so that we could have a life as actual shinobi." I looked up at him, shock written all over my face. How did Aoime figure it out from just touching him? Only someone of the Shikuashisa clan could do that... Don't tell me...

"Oh yeah," Gato began walking towards Aoime and Haku, "I almost forgot I owed these two for breaking my arm." My eyes widened as Gato reared his leg and kicked Aoime off of Haku.

Aoime's POV

I heard someone approach me, but I was not moving from off of Yuki-chan. Even though I was still crying, tears were not coming out of my eyes. All of a sudden I was kicked in the head and knocked off of Yuki-chan. I just stared at my assaulter blanklyn everything was fuzzy. I seen my attacker rear back his foot. He kicks Yuki-chan in the face but it doesnt register. "Hey! What do you think you're doing bastard?!" I heard Naruto yell.

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