♣ chapter 04

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I woke up this morning with my eyes swollen, and I knew I needed to get my mind off things

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I woke up this morning with my eyes swollen, and I knew I needed to get my mind off things.

Now I'm walking to work, which isn't that bad because I actually wore a sweatshirt and it's only a thirty-minute walk. Lorenzo's isn't a super high-end place, but it's not cheap either.

My music continues playing as I cross the street, passing the liquor store Rafael works at. After last night, I don't think I'm ever touching another type of intoxication.

Saturdays are not as fun as they used to be for me. But at least today I have time after my shift at the Barbershop, and then I can go hang out with Amaiah.

I then gotta go home and make dinner, and then I have to give Emilio a haircut when I go back to the barbershop to close.

"Amorette, you're on table 9!" Marie says, walking past me as I put on my apron.

"Oh, and there's been a change to the dress code. We can wear jewelry now!" she exclaims, touching her earrings.

I smile, but then furrow my brows.

Why did it suddenly change today?

"Amorette, table 15 needs drinks!"

Oh, goodness.


"No, nothing weird happened. He just took me home," I told Amaiah, who was asking a bunch of questions about last night.

"Okay, I just feel bad for leaving you there with him. He's a bit scary," she says, sipping her latte.

"Don't feel bad. You were in worse shape than I was, and I wanted to make sure you got home," I assure her.

"Did anything go down with Axel?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Nah, nothing like that," she shrugs, "He didn't want to pressure me."

I smile at that, knowing that if Axel were to hurt a hair on her head, he would be dead in a second. Thanks to me.

"And Tori told me their exchange student finally came in. She's going to be staying with them until the end of the school year," Amaiah says, pulling out her phone to show me a picture.

"Oh, she's so tall!" I say, looking at the blonde girl on the screen, "Where is she from?"

"Germany," Amaiah says, "And then in a few weeks, Tori is going there to swap places. It's how the program works or something."

"Shit, I gotta get home to make dinner," I glance at the time, "See you Monday," I wave to Amaiah.

"Bye, babe," she waves back.


"Don't fuck me up, Retta," Emilio tells me as I turn on the clippers, and I glance over at Rodrigo, my coworker, who is cracking up in his chair.

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