♣ chapter 07

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I woke up feeling nauseous

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I woke up feeling nauseous. The air was quiet.

I look beside me, and Emilio is still sleeping. I check my phone, and it's 5:40 in the morning. I can make it to the early Mass if I get ready fast enough.

I quietly get up, walking over to my bag to find my Sunday dress. I hope it isn't too wrinkled.

After my conversation with Eros last night, I felt an awful sick feeling. I thought I could sleep it off, but now I'm trying not to throw up as I pull the dress over my head. I run my brush through my hair, hoping I don't look like a crazy person.

I slip on my shoes and grab my phone and the car keys.

I glance over my shoulder at my brother, and my emotions almost get the best of me. I walk out, silently shutting the door behind me.

I see Michael sleeping on the air mattress, and I pray I don't wake him up as I exit the house. I open and close the door slowly, then hurry to the car. It's dark, and who knows what kind of lunatics are creeping around.

I get into the driver's seat, locking the door as soon as I can. I look around, seeing Eros's black BMW still parked outside. He wasn't inside, was he?


I start the car, pulling off the side of the street. St. Matthew's church is only about two miles from here, so I doubt I'll miss the start.

When I get out of the road I was on, I flip on the headlights. I remembered Emilio turning off the headlights before he turned onto Reign's street. He definitely did that for a reason.

My head hurts a little, and I can only imagine what's causing that.

I will probably get yelled at later for leaving so early in the morning, but it was either this or 10 am, and I cannot handle that many people. And Emilio will not be happy I took the car by myself without waking him up.

Oh well.

I pull into the parking lot of the church, recognizing a few of the cars that I usually see here. A lot of them work nightshift and stop for Mass before going home. I sigh, shutting off the engine. I need this.

I get out of the car, shutting the door and locking it. I hold the keys tight in my hand with my phone, walking over to the doors. It's a small place, but it holds a good amount of people.

And I like the priest here; he isn't 90 years old and a douchebag.

When I step inside, the warm air greets me nicely. I dip my fingers in the holy water, quickly making the Sign of the Cross before finding an empty pew. I don't like sitting by people at Mass. Only my family if they come along. But that's a rare occasion.


The closing song is being sung by an older woman who isn't very good at singing, but at least she tries. My eyes follow the priest as he walks behind the boy carrying the Crucifix.

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