♣ chapter 34

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My fists clench at my sides as I watch Amorette's retreating figure, and Reign comes up beside me

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My fists clench at my sides as I watch Amorette's retreating figure, and Reign comes up beside me.

"She's so innocent," Reign mutters, glancing at me, "I never thought you would stick with that type."

If only he knew.

"She pretends to be," I respond, "And it's so fucking addicting."

We sit on the couch where Noah and Jaden sit, and the bag filled with what I assume is the latest shipment sits on the table.

"She livin' here now?" Jaden asks with furrowed brows. His eyes flash toward the stairs Amorette was walking up just seconds ago.

Reign looked at me as if he couldn't predict my response.

I nodded, "Something wrong with that?"

Jaden shook his head, deciding it would be better to keep his mouth shut about it. Noah's expression told me he didn't care for the situation, but he had plenty of shit in his life to be worried about right now.

Leaning back, I adjusted my legs and motioned for Jaden to empty the bag. He unzips it, then carefully takes out the three different types of guns that were sent in. We had trafficked about a twenty of each, and we would sell them around the state for the next two weeks. This is a bigger shipment than usual, so we had to be extra careful of what we let out on our streets.

"Took each one apart and put 'em back together. Nothing's out of place. These should go for big on the Southside," Jaden explains, pulling out the documents of each registered firearm. This was the cover to hide the fact that they were illegal.

"Turks haven't made any moves yet. But I have a feeling they're going to figure it out soon enough," Jaden adds, referencing our previous dealers.

"They won't be able to do shit," Noah stated, confident in our own stability. Reign raises a brow at me, but I keep my opinions to myself.

"I'll meet you two in my office," I spoke, then glanced to Noah, "You stay here."

He narrowed his eyes, wondering why he was being singled out. Reign was quick to stand up, and Jaden did as well after confirming that I wasn't about to shoot this motherfucker.

"What's this about?" Noah jerked his chin, crossing his arms defensively. I looked to the left, watching Reign and Jaden exit down the hallway. Then I looked back at Noah.

"Heard about your situation with Rika," I stated calmly, and he immediately snarled.

"She couldn't keep her mouth shut, huh?" Noah snapped, shaking his head, "I don't need you sittin' here lecturing me about it."

I grit my jaw, finding the only patience I have left. "I ain't gonna lecture you," I spoke, trying my hardest to be reasonable about this.

"You know how I feel about Rika. I don't want to be doing this any more than you do," I address first, "But tearing up her home and throwing a tantrum ain't gonna solve the problem."

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