♣ chapter 70

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I watched the wind blow through the potted flowers outside from the sunroom

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I watched the wind blow through the potted flowers outside from the sunroom. An orange hue painted the walls behind me, the sun casting a longing glow on my face.

For someone who prides themselves in having courage, I was a bulletproof hypocrite.

I felt the opposite of brave...naïve, even.

I saw the guns that were staring me down, yet I let others jump in front of me.

That's how I've lived my whole life. I've pretended to be brave.

But now, when it really mattered, I felt like such a let-down.

There was two weeks until my wedding date. I couldn't express in words how excited I was.

But the raw skin of my lips showed how I was also equally nervous.

I would lay myself out on the ground for Eros. I was so dedicated to him. I wanted to prove to him that I was worth all this trouble.

However, he didn't need me to prove anything. He took me as I came, and that speaks louder than any proof could.

I still couldn't fathom that he wanted to marry me.

I mean, marriage is a huge step. And I'll be honest, I wasn't sure at first.

But he's Augustine. He's my Augustine.

I felt like I couldn't breathe without him. He's like water in a drought.

God, I was burning up in flames without him.

It was a commitment that others my age could rarely promise. And to see him so eager for it...that convinced me.

I was so scared, but his constant reassurance brought me newfound peace. There was nothing to worry about when there was Eros. I could completely surrender to him.

It had all moved so quick at first, but I realize now it was just part of the natural connection between us. The magnetic pull that led me back to his arms every time.

Help me, I had screamed.

And he was always there to save me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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