V ▸ I love you.

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Blood + Death

All the blonde could feel was something squeezing her hand. She was puffing heavy. Gasping for air. Everything hurt. She finally opened her eyes and realised it was Thing squeezing her hand. She smiled with a small huff. He scurred off clearly at haste and what felt like an hour later he came back with her pink fluffy jacket. She quickly grabed it and wrapped it around herself.

'Thank you..' She said with a shaky tone. She slowly got up. Her legs stumbling. Thing crawled up her, stopping at her shoulder. She covered her body with her jacket and slowly made her way. Through the deep depths of the forest. Not even knowing where she was going.


After some minutes, she could see a large group of people. Nevermore students to be more specific. She could see Ajax running toward her. He immdiately assisted her in walking. 'Thank you..' She whispered. He said nothing in return. They slowly walked through the crowd. Enid didn't look at the eyes of the others. She looked like a mess, covered in blood, leaves and dirt. How much worse could it get?

She approached the group of her closer friends. 'Where's Wednesday?..' They all look around nervously. Enids hears suddenly picked up on something. Running. She looked past them all. Xavier was running through the gates, clearly as fast as he could. He was carrying something. Enid's blood pumped at what he next said. 'HELP!!' As Xavier got closer. The wolf realised, he wasn't holding something.

He was holding someone. 'Wednesday..' Enid quickly ran foward. Xavier stopped and leant down on one knee, resting Wednesday. The rest of the group ran with Enid. The wolf came to a fast stop and immediately took Wednesday off of Xaviers knee. 'Wednesday.. Wednesday!' The goth slowly opened her eyes.

The tears on Enids cheek as she sighed in relief. Wednesday smiled at her softly. Enid had never seen this before and seeing her current condition, this wasn't good news. Enid looked at the girls abdomen. Through the tear in her uniform. Blood was gushing out fast. Enid quickly applied pressure on the wound, making the goth hiss in pain.

'Enid.. Enid..' This caught the wolfs attention. She kept on looking at the wound and at Wednesday back and forth. 'Enid!..' The wolf stopped and just stared at Wednesday, who slowly raied their hands, bloody or not and resting them on the blondes cheeks. The goth pulled her down into a small and soft kiss. Enid was kissing her crush. 

The group didn't expect this to happen. Wednesday slowly pulled away and reached to grab Enid's hand, taking it off the wound, allowing the blood to flow freely. Enid couldn't stop crying. Wednesday couldn't stop smiling. 'I love you.' Enid's breath hitched. 'I love you too. 'She said, choking on her tears as she bit down on her lip, on the verge of drawing blood. 

Wednesday leaned into Enids embrace. Her face went paler, but her grip was still tight and her smile was stuck on her teeth. Enid fell into silence and felt Wednesdy's pulse. No pulse. Enid's eyes only filled up more. She leaned into the goth arms. Hugging her tightly. Saying her name over and over, crying till she can't breath.

Gripping her hand till her knuckles turned white, crying till her eyes were red. Biting her lip so hard it bled. Alot of the people just stood there. Watching the raven head pass. Some where crying and some where just stuck in their positions. Enid wanted to scream. She wanted to yell but she couldn't believe whats just happened. 'I love you so much..' She whispered. Enid was very wrong.

It got much much worse. 

591 Words.

Don't look at me with those eyes ; Wenclair one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now