IX ▸ Wrong Time

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SHORT ANGST - I'm in love with angsts. I love being sad.

Wednesday walked into the shared dorm. She noticed the big red bag on Enid's bed as she was very, aggressively picking up her stuff and putting them into the bag. 'Where are you going? ' She said in her usual monotone voice. 'Yoko's room.' She said as she continued to pack, not even daring to look at Wednesday. 'Thornhill said i could crash there for a few nights.' Wednesday seemed puzzled.

'There's no need. I spoke to Weems, You and Xavier won't be punished.' Wednesday could feel Enids annoyed aura from the door. Enids hands stopped moving. 'Am i supposed to thank you?' Wednesday stared at her back. 'I already apologised. It's over.' Enid turned around and thunder struck. 'Over?' Wednesday gulped. 'Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn't even bothered to cut.' She said firmly with the angriest expression from her yet.

'You'll use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger.' Wednesday's heart felt a slight pang of pain. but why? She could only stare. 'We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession!' 'But we didn't.' She stepped foward. 'And now i'm one step closer to solving this case, that is what is important.'

Enid breathed heavily, fuming with anger as she looked at the floor.. She huffed for a second before staring at Wednesday's pitch black eyes. 'I've tried.. really, really, really hard to be your friend. Always put myself out there.' The pain in Wednesdays heart only ingulfed her at the sight enid's pure hatred for her.

'Though of your feelings, told people 'i know she gives of serial killer vibes, but she's just shy.'' 'I never asked you to do that.' The goth cut in. 'You didnt have to cause thats what friends do!' Wednesdays eyebrows raised a little, shocked at the tone. 'They don't have to be asked and the fact that you don't know that says everything.' Enids face continued from angry to sad.

'I'm sorry that i don't think of anyone but myself.' Wednesday said with completely monotone. 'See, thats the problem with you, Wednesday. YOU DON'T THINK!' Wednesday stared at her, eyes wide as she grabbed her bag and stormed over to her. 'You wanna be alone Wednesday? Be alone.' She said as she walked right past her, slamming the door on her exit.

Wednesday stood there. Her heart ached as the thunder roared. She walked over to the window. She let her back slide down it, coming to a stop at the floor as she hugged her knees into her chest. 'Goody warned that i was destined to be alone. Maybe its inevitable. But for the first time in my life. It doesn't feel good.' She thought.

Wednesday felt her vision go blurry as she slowly started to sob. Hugging her knees as tight as she could. LIttle did she know. The same girl she fell inlove with was standing outside the door. Listening to her. Tears streaked down her cheeks and she hurried to wipe them away. 'I can't go back.' The blonde thought. She stormed away. But she couldn't get Wednesday out of her head. Wednesday couldn't get Enid out of hers.

They fell for the right person, but at the wrong time.

550 Words

Don't look at me with those eyes ; Wenclair one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now