XVI ▸Blind [PT.2]

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Since im so nice, i'll end it nicely.


It's been a week since the raven head left Nevermore. Her family has clearly noticed that something is very wrong with Wednesday. They keep stating how she used to look half dead. Now she's just dead. The goth doesnt water board pugsley as much. She just stays in her room.

It was then a knock came on the door. Wednesday slid the covers down, letting her eyes look straight at her door. 'Come in...' She muttered. The door opens with a small creak. 'How are you my little storm cloud?' Gomez says in a gentle manner as he walks in and sits on the edge of her bed. Wednesday glances at her phone on her desk before turning around, back towards her father.

'I said i'm fine 40 minutes ago. You don't need to keep asking.' Gomez sighed. 'But, my dear- You've been acting off.' Wednesday sighed. 'I'm just.. not feeling well.' She said as she tucked her head back under the covers, wanting her father to leave. Gomez sighed. 'Alright.. I'll go..' He stood up before stopping at the door. 'Do you want anything?' Wednesday thought about Enid.

Gomez got nothing in reply and instead he just left. The thought of Enid immediately made her tear up as she started to slowly sob under her blanket, hugging herself tightly. She knew she couldn't live peacefully without her presence, but she had to leave. Now she's suffering, in a pit of darkness that isn't comforting.


'Yes! Yes!! Finally' The wolf smiled brightly. She finally got it to work. As creepy as it sounds, Enid has been staying up all night, trying her best to hack her phone in order to be able to track Wednesdays phone location and she finally succeded. She didn't waist another second. She grabbed something and quickly ran through the halls of nevermore. 

She opened the front doors and paused when she noticed it was absolutely pouring down outside. The wind was blowing harshly. She stood there. 'For Wednesday..' She thought. She immediately ran out of nevermores gates. She didn't care how cold it was. She didn't care how windy is was. She didn't care about anything, but Wednesday. She just needed to see her and express her undying love for the goth. 

As she ran through the woods near Nevermore, she just had to trip, hitting her head and her arms. The wolf ended up with a nasty cut on her cheek and some bad scratches on her arms, atleast she kept what she was holding safe. She got up, not caring how dirty her clothes were. She just kept on running. Wednesday was the adrenaline that made her run for love.


Wednesday was standing at her balcony. Admiring the rain the fell before her. She didn't understand what it was, but something about rain just made her feel happy. She sighed in content. She heard her phone ringing from inside. She sighed and walked over, sitting on her bed and picking up the contraption. 

Her eyes widened slightly and declined the call. 'Why the hell is Enid calling me.. I should have blocked her number..' She said with a frown. It was then she got a message from Enid. The goth sighed before looking at the messages. 'Your voice is my favourite sound and my heart calls for you.' She felt her heart pounding heavy.

A new message popped up. 'Will you let me into your heart?' An image popped up. It was her front door. The goth gasped and dropped her phone. She ran out of her room, down the stairs and opened the door. The blonde was standing there with a black dahlia boquet. The wolf smiled at her.

The goth seemed taken aback by the flowers before dragging her inside. 'Are you crazy?.. It's freezing out there?..' She muttered as she dragged the wolf by her arm, up the stairs and into her room. Enid couldn't do anything else but just smile at the goth when the raven wrapped a towel round her.

'What did you do to you fa-' Before the raven could say anything else, the wolf extended out the flowers. 'These are for you..'  The goth sighed before taking them. She took off the plastic and gently placed them in a vase full of water. 'They smell lovely, and thank you.' Wednesday pulled out a med kit from under her bed and began to treat Enid's wound.

The goth felt awkward being here after the message she sent. 'Tell me, what did you do to your face?' She asked while trying to hide her blushing face. Enid smiled brightly, she was so happy to be with Wednesday again. 'I just slipped and fell.' Wednesday sighed and quickly finish fixing her wound before saying anything else.

'You're stup-' Wednesday was cut off by a kiss. Enid's warm hands held Wednesday's cold cheeks. The kiss was small yet full of love. Before Wednesday could kiss her back, Enid backed away.

'You know, Ajax was just a distraction.'

'Don't make me anymore sick than i already am.'

 842 Words

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