VI ▸ Ignored

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Enid had been hanging out with people other than Wednesday way too often. Ever since they got back from the semester break she's been really distant. She barey has any time for the goth. The raven head could see through her excuses. None of which were true. This left the goth stunned. She had to find out the reasoning of this.


The blonde finally arrived back in their dorm. Ten minutes before curfew. The goths eyes didn't stray away from her typewriter, yet she expected to feel the blondes gaze. 'Welcome back Enid.' A small gasp was let out from the blonde as she expected the raven head to be asleep by now. The wolf hesitated and didnt reply. She just decided to go straight into her bathroom. 

The goth stopped typing and turned around, crossing her legs and her arms with a huff. She let her head fall back causing her to stare at the ceilling. 'She didn't even reply..She didn't even look at me.' She thought. She began to wonder if it was something she did. Something she said. Was their something she needed to change? She hated the plan she came up with, but if it would get Enid's attention and get her to talk to her then she'd do it.


By the time the blonde came out of the bathroom, the room was dead silent. She looked around, the goth had left. She sighed in relief. The blonde walked over to a chest of draws. Searching through it. They had a non-school uniform day tomorrow and literally no classes, so she needed to find something to wear. She picked out a simple pink dress and white furry jacket. She smiled proudly. 

She got into her bed, staring at the goths side of the room. Sure, she had a good reason to be ignoring Wednesday. Itd be protecting their friendship. She wanted to keep it safe. She thought that Wednesday would enjoy her new solitude. Little did she know, every second the wolf wasn't around, the goth was worrying her poor heart out, missing her.


Enid had woken up extra early, getting dressed quickly and heading to the quad. When she arrived, there wasn't many people there but, she was used to that. She simply just sat down at the same table Yoko and some of her friends were at. 'Hey girl. I don't know if your plan is working.' Enid seemed puzzled. 'I just have a feeling, we all do.' Enid's eyes widened. For Yoko to think something is going bad is one thing, but the whole group?

'What do you mean not working?' The girls looked around, making sure the goth wasn't here. 'I have the feeling that Wednesday might do something she doesn't want to do.' Enid sat there confused. What they said helped but at the same time didn't. 'I'll talk to her once we're at the dorms.'


It's been a few hours, the sky was up high, she completely forgot what the others had told her. 

The goth slowly walked, towards the quad. Yoko looked behind Enid. 'Oh my god..' Enid was confused. 'What?' Yoko turned Enids head, looking to her left. Enids eyes went wide. What the fuck was she wearing.

 What the fuck was she wearing

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Wednesday had a big bright smile on her face and her hair was down for once. Not in her usual braids. Enid immediately got up, she stormed over to Wednesday, the thuds caught the 'goths' attention. She smiled even brighter. 'Hey Enid!'. That was until the wolf grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the quad, in the girls bathrooms. She pulled Wednesday and herself into a stall and closed the door.

She stared at Wednesday like she was crazy. 'What?' Wednesday asked. 'What the hell are you wearing..' Wednesdays smile lowered a bit. 'Isn't this more you style?' The 'goth' laughed, but it was clearly fake. Enid stared. Wednesday's smile immediately disappeared. 'If you would excuse me..' She opened the door and was about to leave till Enid pulled her back and pinned her against the wall.

'Why are you wearing this? I want a proper answer.' Wednesday's fact flushed red at the blondes angry expression and looked down. 'It's none of your buisness!' Enid only tightened her grip causing the goth to hiss a little. Enid paused and let go of her. 'Just give me an answer.' Enid said with now a calm expression. Wednesday noticed how desperate she sounded and stared down at the floor.

'I thought you got sick of me.' Enid's eyes widened. 'I thought you couldn't stand me and how weird i was..' Wednesdays voice began to tremble a bit as she's never really shared her emotions with anyone before. It started to make her really nervous. Her eyes watered a little and her legs began to shake.

'I thought that if i dressed pretty. Popular. Normal. Like you. That you would talk to me again.. That you wouldn't ignore me.' Wednesday looked up. Enids breath hitched as she saw the tears slowly falling down her cheeks. 'I thought you'd like me more.'  Enid stared at the girl. This is the first time she's seen the goth cry. 'Wednesday, I-' The goth quickly wiped her tears and before Enid could continue she ran out of the bathroom.

Enid slid down the wall, resting on the balls of her feet. She sighed as her head fell into her knees. 'What have i done.' She thought.


The blonde returned to the dorm, late as usual. She noticed the goth was in her usual clothes, laying in bed. Back turned to her. The blonde slowly walked over to her bed and sat down. 'I want you to know. That you will never have to change who you are to have my attention. You're always eye-catching Wednesday..' The wolf sighed. 'I.. before we came back. Ive been having these weird thoughts and dreams about you. I haven't been able to get you off my mind.' She stated.

The goth, pretending to sleep, was caught off-guard by this remark. 'I came to a realization the day before we returned that, i have fallen inlove with you, Wednesday Addmas.' The goth blushed to herself. 'I, Enid Sinclair, a girl. Fell inlove with a stong, powerful girl, Wednesday Addams.' Enid smiled with a small chuckle. 'I thought that if i talked to you, i would eventually do something you wouldn't like. So, i kept my distance. I wanted to keep our friendship safe, but i ended up hurting you and making you cry.'

'I'm sorry, Wednesday. I'm sorry i had fallen inlove with you.' Wednesday slowly sat up, which the wolf didn't notice. That was until the goth placed her cold hand on the wolf's chin and made her look at her cold eyes. Enid stared. 'Y-You were awak-' she was stopped by a small kiss. The wolfs face exploded with a deep red. Wednesday parted from the wolf and got under her covers. 'Get to bed.. We have school tomorrow.' Enid was too flusered to think.

She quickly got up and immediately got in bed. They sat in silence for a moment.

'I like you too.'

1203 Words

Next chapter in a few hours if i can think of a god damn idea. Please help me, literally.

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