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My pack doesn't want me to be their alpha. But they don't do anything about it, because they are scared at how powerful i am and they won't try to challenge me since i will win in a heartbeat.

But I'm still want to find my mate also known as the Luna of the pack.

My wolf wants to get out but right now I'm at a meeting about new fashion designs the company should do or just to do a collaboration with other companies.

The meeting was getting boring so I looked up to the person presenting  and said

"If you excuse me,i have something important to do if you want you can tell my assistant about the project she will do the best for this company."

I walked out and got in my car and i started driving to the coffee shop few minutes away. I parked and then I go inside, i sat down on a available table. After a few minutes on waiting a waitress came to me and she said,

"Good afternoon what can I get for you today"

I look at her and i said

"Can I get a black coffee to go please and thank you"

The waitress write it down and said

"Coming right out"

Then the waitress walks away and i go into my phone and started looking through my emails.

the waitress start walking towards me with my coffee. i put my phone away, Then I take the coffee when she hands it to me and i took a 20 dollar bill. Then i give it to the waitress. I stood up and walk out to my car and i drove away fast.

Hopefully you like this chapter it was kinda quick

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