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After we were done taking picture for our project my phone began to ring.so I look at my phone and saw that it was my father so I get up. I walk outside the room and i answer the phone and i said,

"Hello father I'm kind of busy right now with my project."

My father said,

"i don't care answer me faster next time and i want you to know that your mom wants you home at 6 for dinner."

I hang up without saying anything. i walk back inside the room and i walk next to Valentina and said,

"It's 5:15 I have to my parent home at 6 but I have to get ready so I have to leave early so I'm sorry but can you take over."

I look at her and Valentina stares at me and said,

"Go ahead I will email you the details later"

I nod and i walk away to my car fast and when I got to my car drive to my house fast.Because my mom will kill me if I'm late at the family dinner.

So when I got home I rush to my room and went to the bathroom. Then I took my clothes off and i turn on the shower and i put it at the right temperature for and and i get in and take a nice shower.

 Then I took my clothes off and i turn on the shower and i put it at the right temperature for and and i get in and take a nice shower

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(Jay room)

(Jay bathroom)When I got out of the nice shower i dry myself with a towel and i put a sport bra on and i wrap the towel around my waist

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(Jay bathroom)
When I got out of the nice shower i dry myself with a towel and i put a sport bra on and i wrap the towel around my waist. then i walk out of my room and i go to my closet and i choose a nice fashionable but cozy outfit.

 then i walk out of my room and i go to my closet and i choose a nice fashionable but cozy outfit

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And i walked out with my hair kinda wet and i rush to my car and i drove to my mother house fast.

When I get there my mother was in the kitchen cooking and I smelled the food and I walk to the kitchen but then I saw my dad so he turns to me and I bow fast and said,

"good afternoon sir"

I stopped bowing and I look at my father and he was serious like always and said,

"Good afternoon brat"

Then he sit down on the end of the table and I walk to my mother. I hug from behind gently and she chuckles and she turns to me and hugs me and I hug her back and she smiles and said,

"Good to see you my daughter I missed you so much"

I smile and said,

"I missed you too mother"

I let her go and she did the same and I sit at the other end opposite from my father and he glare at me so I smile at him.

I know I don't have the best relationship with my father because he is an serious man and abusive towards me because I was different from my sister and my brother just because I'm intersex..yes that means I have boobs and I also a dick.

After I snapped out of my head because of the smell of the food in front of me and I turn my mother and I smile and said,

"Thank you mother for the food"

My mother smile at me and said,

"Your welcome sweetheart, you better come next week for our family reunion with your siblings"

I nod and smile at my mom and said,

"Anything you want mother I will be here with other people if that's okay"

My mom raise an eyebrow and said,

"Are they your mates"

I smile at her words that I didn't realized until I hear my mom screaming of happiness in my ear so I cover my ears and I said,

"Mom please stop screaming"

My mom stops and I feel my phone vibrate so I take out my phone and I see the name ( Ms.bossy) I smile and I answer it and put in my ear and I hear Valentina say,

"Darling are you coming soon remember we still need to do work on the project with Tina so can you please come to my house soon"

I look at my food and see it was half way full so I said,

"I will be there in like 20 minutes don't worry I will be there safe"

I hang up and I start eating fast and I hear my mother said,

"Aww she called you darling"

I almost chocked when I heard that and I could feel my cheek turning red so I wipe my mouth.

I get up and I put my plate on the sink and wash my hands and dry my hands and I hug my mother from behind and said,

"I have to go now mother I will see you at the family reunion"

I walk out of the house and I drove to Valentina house.

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