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We all were still inside Val office and they were all looking because I could feel their stares

So I acted asleep and I hear Tina said

"That was kinda scary at how her eyes were when she was drinking your blood"

I felt kinda bad and then the blood sucking bitch said

"She told me that she will kill me at midnight in French"

I hear them gasp and I felt my heart skip a beat when I hear Val say

"That doesn't matter..and you will not reject her again that's not your decision..even though she is scary.."

I felt myself stop breath and I can feel my slowly stop beating and I felt someone shaking me and I open my eyes and I started coughing the blood I just drank and I look at them and I started to breath again heavily and I grab the trash can next to me and I spit all the blood I drank before..

I look at them and I wipe my mouth and Tina look at me and said

"Did you just wasted blood Valentina give you to drink"

I felt tears come out of my eyes but I could tell they were not normal because they look terrified and I wipe my tears and I look at my hand and I realized I was crying blood and I took a deep breath and Val said

"Why are you bleeding blood!.."

I look away and i said

"Because one of you spoke about rejection and that's why my eyes are bleeding..."

I stood up and I look at them and i said

"I know I look scary and so powerful...can you guys forget about my powers and just love me for who I am...that's all I ever wanted for my mates to love me for who I am"

I walk to the door and I open the door and I turn to Valentina and Tina and I said

"Is that to much to ask..from both of you.."

I walk out of the door and closed the door and I teleported to my base and they all turn to me and I fall on my knees and they all bow to me and Dean came to me and crouch down to me and hug me and I hug him back while I said

"They don't want to me..they are both terrified at how powerful I am"

I sobbed on his shoulder and I whisper knowing he will hear me

"Am I that scary.."

I felt him shake his head and he said

"They don't know you as much as I do and I know you deep down it's hurts when people look at you like your a ticking bomb..I never looked at you like that..."

I sobbed even louder and he just hugged me and rub my back and he said

"Maybe let them go until your ready to see them again..I sure they will regret letting you go.."

(One year later)

It's been a year since I last saw them and It was hard for me because I love them but I know they don't want me anymore so i stopped seeing them..but they been calling me today and i don't know if it's serious until I saw Val text saying

(Your mother is in bad shape since you left..she been getting worse..)

I start to freak out so I dress up fast in some comfortable clothes and I teleported to my mother house and I was not thinking right and I rash into my mother room and I saw her laying on her bed and I know Valentina and Tina were there because I could smell them but I ignore them and I walk to my mom and I saw the rejection mark on her neck and I stare at my mom face and I sigh and she open her eyes and I saw how puffy her eyes were

I saw her crying and I wipe her tears and I said

"Mom it's okay you will through this like I did.."

I hold her hand I started taking pain from her that my vines were turning black and I felt how painful it was..just like mines and I sit down the bed and I could tell I was helping her because she smile at me and I smile back hiding the pain I was going through and I hear my mom said

"You can stop now I don't want you to remember the pain.."

I closed my eyes and i kept taking the pain while I said

"Don't worry..pain makes you stronger mother"

I felt my wolf said

'Please!..stop I can't take it'

I took a deep breath and I said out loud

"Shadow give me all the pain I can take it again.."

I felt the pain rushing through my body like I remember it but moms pain wasn't as bad as mine and I open my eyes and I look at my mom and said

"Mother your stronger person then me you can leave that asshole of a father and you come with me.."

I see her chuckle and said

"But you know the pain of leaving your mates..and this was a punishment for not listening to him"

I felt my eyes turn red and I took a deep breath and my eyes went back to normal and I hear mom said

"Darling when was the last time you drink blood"

I smile and I kept taking her pain and I said

"Don't worry about it..get some rest I will come back later to take more pain.."

I let go of her and before anyone could say anything I teleported away to the base and I went to my room and I dealt with the pain my mom give me while I go to sleep so I will have energy for later

1001 words

Hopefully you will like the plot I did

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