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I went back to my room after jay and Tina were done and it was beautiful sweet noises coming out of that room few minutes ago but when I open my door I saw jay laying down tired as hell but she was still out of breath and I smile and I said,

"Hey darling how was it"

She look at me and smile and I realized she is to tired to talk and I sat on my bed next to her and I smile and said,

"Is your throat that sore or your just tired"

I know I was teasing her but I didn't care I wanted to make her shy and it worked because when I saw her cheeks turn red and I smile at the satisfaction I brought to myself and I chuckle and said,

"You don't need to answer that darling I was just teasing you about it"

She smile and I hear the door open she I turned to the door and I saw Tina carrying a plate of fruits and a water bottle and I said,

"Give it to me honey I will take care of her so you can take a shower to freshen up"

Tina nods to me and she give me the plate and water bottle and she walk to my closest and grab some clothes. But I turned around and I take a grape and I put it near jay mouth and she open her mouth and I put the gently in her mouth.

She close her mouth and she starts to chew the grape and I smile and I kissed her forehead and I said,

"Want some water love?.."

She nods so I open the bottle and I gently put it in between her lips and she closed her lips together tightly and she drink the water kinda fast and I said,

"Slow down you are going to choke"

She slow down after I said and I smile and said,

"Good girl..do you want to take a nap now or want some fruit"

I take the water bottle away from her lips and close it with the cup and she open her lips so I put a strawberry inside her mouth. she chews it up and I love how adorable she was while tired..it's like taking care of a big baby.

She turned to me and she glare at me and I look at her chuckling and I said,

"What's wrong darling"

She said in a low voice while pouting.

"I'm not a big baby so stop saying that"

I look at her in shock and I said,

"I didn't say that out loud so you can read minds"

She smiles and then she turns away from me but I grab her waist and pull her close to me and I said in her ear.

"Answer me darling~"

She let out a moan and I chuckle in her ear and I wrap a hand around her neck and she took a deep breath and I realized my could feel my dick on her ass and she said,

"Sorry I won't do it again I promise"

I smile and I push myself closer to her and I hear her moan again and I said,

"Darling I don't care I just wanted to know..now be a good girl and take a nap"

I let go of her and I move away and I hear her whine and she said,

"Cuddle with me please..."

I smile and I pull her close to me and I got comfortable and I cuddle her and I felt her hard dick and I said,

"Don't you dare to relieve yourself by humping me or touch yourself understand"

She nods and she put her head on my chest and I smile while I massage her head and I hear her purring and I smile and I closed my eyes.

I hear the bathroom door open and I open my eyes and I turn my head towards the bathroom door and I see Tina with a towel wrap around her body and she look at me and smirks and then she said,

"Go to sleep I am going to change"

I whine and I turn my head away pouting and I hear her laugh and then I close my eyes and I was deep asleep after a few minutes.

Sorry if this is shorter chapter then last one

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