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After jay fall asleep on the small couch which was cute, Valentina and I started talking but we both started to get tired so I see Valentina get a blanket and cover jay with it and then she turns to me and said,

"Do you want some of my clothes to change into and you can sleep on the guest room if you want"

I look at jay and then I look back at Valentina and I said,

"we should stay here with jay i don't want to leave her alone but I will happily take some of your clothes"

Valentina chuckles and said,

"I will bring some clothes for you to change into"

I nod and smile then Valentina leaves the room so I look at jay taking in all the features on her face she looks so peaceful while sleeping.

I got interpreted by the door opening so I look at the door and Valentina comes in with a comfy outfit and she has an outfit on her hand and she looks at me and smiles.

I stand up and I walk to her and I said,

"Can you show me where the bathroom is at"

She nods and takes me to the bathroom and I turn to her and I said,

"Thanks you can go back your office and look at jay features you will get lost of time"

I wink at her and I got in the bathroom and I lock the door then I changed change into Valentina out it was big on me.

I wink at her and I got in the bathroom and I lock the door then I changed change into Valentina out it was big on me

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(Tina outfit)

I walk back into Valentina outfit when I get in get in I see Valentina looking at jay while she was smiling then she looks at me and I smile back to her and I notice she brought blankets for both of us I grub a blanket and I look at Valentina and said,

"Where are you going to sleep"

Valentina pointed at the big couch opposite from jay and she turns to me and said,

"I will be working for a while and I don't want to wake you or jay up"

I nod and I lay down on the couch next to jay and I cover myself and I look at jay and I said,

"Good night Valentina"

I close my eyes as I hear Valentina said,

"Good night sweetheart"

I smile and then I fall asleep.

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