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we were eating diner with my family and everyone was quiet and my father said,

"Do they know about your little job.."

I look at him and I tense up and I know he was talking about my gang but I saw my father smirk and I felt my mates staring and Valentina said,

"What is your father talking about"

I sigh and I said,

"Nothing don't worry about it"

Everyone was calm again and eating until my fucking father open his mouth by saying,

"It would be bad if your mates see your true nature.."

I slam my hand on table and I growl while looking at him and I yelled at him saying,

"Just shut up and eat god damn!!..stop opening your mouth to speak!!"

I calm down and I eat again my food and I felt the tension around the air and i look at my dad and that little smirk on his face and I know I was getting pissed at him.

I have a secret no one knows about my mother and now I have it to and that is..my mother is half witch and she pass it down to me but no one knows that.

I mumble something and my father lips were close and he couldn't open it all and I smile at him and I said'

"What happened sperm donor you can't speak anymore bullshit"

I chuckle and mom look at me and give the look to stop so I did and my father could open his mouth again and said,


I laugh quietly and I finish my food and I said while getting up.

"Don't be ridiculous no one here is a witch"

I walk to the kitchen and I was my plate and I hear footsteps coming to me and I hear my mother said kinda yelling.

"Why did you did that you could've gotten caught for being stupid!"

I turn around and I look at her and I said,

"Mom I didn't get caught my father is stupid to realized you been with him more then me.."

I saw that she was pissed and she slaps my face and said,

"Don't do that ever again understand!!"

I bow my head and said,

"Yes I understand"

I know she was trying to protect herself and me from my father finding out so I don't mind.

I walk away from her to the dinner table I saw them stare at me. Then I hear Tina gasp and she stood up and touch where I got slapped by my mother and she said,

"What happened love why is your cheek turning purple"

I tense up and i realized my mother used her powers that makes a bruised on my cheek that will get worse and I look at her and I said,

"Don't worry it's just going to bruise my face"

I smile at her but she glare at me and said,

"Only a witch can do this to a vampire..it makes it have worse pain to your body"

My mom walk out and I watch her but then saw my cheek and her eyes go wide when and I look away and I smile at at Tina and said,

"Darling it's okay I just paid a witch but they got mad at me because I told them to wear off the spell that they got on my father..and for the pain I really don't care..I don't mind the pain"

I chuckles and I felt the pain started to get worse around my body and my father stood up and walk to me and said,

"How dare you pay a weak witch to put a
Spell on me!!"

I look at him and I said while my face went cold and I cross my arms.

"Because you deserve it for being a bad person"

I look at my mom and said while I bow my head.

"I will leave now have fun when family comes later on"

I stood up and I walk outside..I know my mates were following kinda pissed. so I stop when we were in front of the car and I turn around and I look at them and I put my keys out and i said,

"Can one of you drive my car I will sit on the back"

Val takes my keys and unlocks the car and I get in the car and I close my eyes and Tina gets in on the passenger seat and she said,

"You know it's emotional pain too right"

I already knew that and I said,

"Take me to my house please you guys can keep the car for now"

I hear my wolf shadow said,

'Don't push them away jay they are try to help us..they are your mates and I feel Valentina wolf trying to speak to me'

I roll my eyes and I rest my head on the window and Valentina drive and I know I was getting closer to my house and I know I was going to beak down anytime soon.

Because I felt a tear slip out of my eye and I know Tina saw it because she was looking at me from the mirror and I said,

"Go faster..please"

I felt the car speed up and like in 5 minutes I was in my house and I got of the car and I walk to my front door. I see them getting out of the car and I open my door fast and I walk inside to my room and I lock my door.

I went to lay on my bed and there is a knock on the door and Val said,

"Open the door darling before I break it"

I didn't answer and I cover myself with my blanket and I hear the door break and Val came close to my bed and sat down on bed gently.

Val said while gently rubbing my shoulder.

"It's okay to feel vulnerable around us we will not embarrass you or make you feel bad"

I move closer to Val and I go in top of her and lay down and all of that while covering myself with a blanket and felt tears slip away from my eyes but I was still silent and I felt that she wrap her arms around me..

Hopefully you guys like it 😭

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