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When Valentina and I went outside jay car was gone which we thought it was weird but we let it go and we got in the car and Valentina drove to jay company.

When Valentina and I got into jay office she wasn't there so we both sit down and waited for her.

After 30 minutes we hear the door open and we saw jay came in and she look at Valentina and then me but then she smile and said,

"I had to deal with something came u—"

Jay got interpreted because Valentina pin her to the wall and I see that jay looks surprised.

I just took a picture of Valentina pinning jay to the wall and after I took it I heard Valentina said,

"Why do you smell like a alpha wolf"

I see that jay smile and I said,

"Are you jealous puppy"

I hear Valentina growls and I look at Valentina right away and jay said,

"Don't be jealous puppy he is my best friend and your my mate so don't be jealous okay sweetheart"

I see that Valentina nod and then let go of jay and I see that jay walked to her desk and then she turns to me and said,

"Did you enjoy your picture sweetheart"

I smile and I show her my phone and said,

"I enjoy so much that i put it as my Lock Screen"

Jay chuckles and then we hear a knock at the door and I notice that jay right away went into a cold face and said,

"Come in"

Her cold voice sent shivers down my spine and her assistant comes in and walks to jay to close for my liking.

And jay look at the papers her assignment was showing and then the assistant said,

"You will be having a meeting at 6:00pm"

I know i was getting jealous but when jay look up at her assistant I snap.

So I clear my throat and jay look at me and I let my eyes flash red for a quick moment to let her know.

Jay sees it and she moves away a little and I smile at how easy it was and, then I look Valentina and she gives me thumbs up and i notice jay assistant walks out of the room.

Jay looks at me kinda nervous and I look at her with a glare and she said,

"I'm sorry love please I didn't realized"

I sat up and I walk behind her and I grab her by the hair and she let her head go back and she looks at me and I whisper in her ear and said,

"Be careful next time because you know vampires can be feisty when someone who is theirs is looking at someone like that"

I hear her chuckle so I pull her hair harder and I hear a groan from her and I turn her to look at me and she did and I get close to her face.

She looks at me and she was breathing kinda hard and then I said,

"Do you understand me jay"

I let go of her hair and I felt her face and she spoke.

"Yes I understand darling"

I give her a small peck on the lips and I walk back to my seat like nothing happened and I see that she calm herself down.

Then she turned back to us and I could still hear her heartbeat going fast and I knew she was faking that she was calm down already.

I smile at her that now she was avoiding me now until she calms down.

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