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After that show Val and Tina put on in the kitchen..I was in the couch turned on that I can see my own boner in my pants and then I hear footsteps and I know it was Val because Tina was in the room probably sleeping

I know Val saw my boner that she walked to me and said

"Do you need help with your little problem"

I look up to her and I said

"Depending if you want me to gag you with my dick deep in your throat while gripping on your hair please pushing you down"

She took a deep breath and kneel down in front of me and she unbuckle my pants and she unzip my pants and I lift up my ass a little and she notice and pulls my pants and underwear down and my dick goes in the air so proudly

And she looks at me while she grabs my dick with her hands and then she looks down at my dick and she puts the tip of my sensitive dick and I grab a hand full of her hair and I said

"Remember you ask for this and relax your throat..if you want to stop for you to breath smack my lap I don't mind..understand"

She looks up to me and nods and I gently push her head down and when I felt myself deep in her throat I hear her gag so I pull her head up gently and I kept doing that same movement but every time faster and I was so close

I felt a smack on my lap and I let go of her head and she pull away out of breath and I chuckle while wrapping my hand around my dick and going up and down fast and I said

"Sorry love did I went to hard on you"

I felt myself release on my hand and Val looks at my hand and I put it in front of her and said

"Taste me don't be shy"

After I said she grab my hand and licks my hand clean and I stare at her and she said

"You taste good darling..good to know after gagging on your 9 inch dick well I think it's 9 inches"

I wink at her and I pull my boxers and pants back on and I said

"I guess you will never know"

In fact my dick was 11 inches but she don't need to know that because I used my powers to make it smaller for her..

I walk to Val office and I grab my computer and I go the a couch and I started working on my work I missed while I was in pain...

After a few hours on me working on Val office and I hear the door open but I so into my work that I hear Tina said

"Why are you in Val office"

I stop and i look at her and I said

"Oh I'm just doing some work I missed for the past 7days"

I saw her smile fade away slowly and I took a big deep breath and I smile at her and I said

"It's okay darling I forgive you for what you did.."

She walks to me slowly and I move my computer away knowing she will be next to me and she sat next to me and my stomach grumbles and I chuckle and  she let out a laugh and she put her arm in front of me and I stare at her and I said

"Are you sure you know I can eat normal food ..I don't need to drink blood to live"

She smiles at me and said

"Go ahead it fine it for you to be stronger"

I smile and I grab her arm gently and I was about to bite her arm but someone busted inside the office and I turned to the person and it was the first person I hate..blood sucking bitch..

I let go of Tina and the blood sucking bitch said

"Really you are letting a wet dog bite you!!"

I move away from and I sat on Val chair and Val comes inside the room and the blood sucking bitch said

"And here the other wet dog"

When I heard that I growl at him and my eyes glowed red and I hear Val footsteps coming to me and I heard her said while I was looking at the blood sucking bitch

"Darling calm down"

I calm down fast when she spreed calm pormenores and I look at Val and realized she was close and I close my eyes when I smelled her sweet blood normally this wouldn't bother me but since I drink their blood before I been addicted to their blood

I try not to smell it and I felt her arm next to my mouth and I open my eyes fast and my eyes turned red while lines were under my eyes connected to my eyes and look at Val and she nods at me

I turn back to her arm and I grab it gently and I open my mouth making my fangs come and I was about to bite Val arm until I heard her said

"Do it as gently as you can and I will tell you when to stop"

I nod and I bite her gently and I was taking her pain away making my vines on my arm turn black and I started drinking from her slowly until I hear her said

"Jay stop.."

I stop right away and i lick the wound making it heal so fast and I let go of her hand making myself go back to normal and I turn to her and. I smile at her and Val said

"Did you just took my pain away"

I nod and I look back at the blood sucking bitch that was still here and I glare at him and he said

"What are you looking at mutt.."

I smirk and said

"Tu mourras à minuit salope si tu continues à nous insulter, Valentina et moi"-French
( You will die at midnight bitch if you continue to insult us,Valentina and I)

I smile when I know he understood what I said and I rest my head on the chair and closed my eyes...

I felt a quick kiss on my lips and smile

1083 words

Hopefully you like this chapter and please give me some suggestions

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