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I waked up but I was so sore and I see Val and Tina ext to me and I said

"What is happening.."

Val turned to me and said

"Your supposed to rest before something bad happens since you used all your energy..making you feel sore and pain"

I groan and I turn away slowly and I start to heal the soreness and I said

"Well I'm not just a wolf.."

I sat up and get out of the bed and I felt a sharp pain on my head and I just ignore it and walk to the kitchen and I see blood bags and smell it from far away and it was Val and Tina blood and I turn around and I see Tina and I said

"Why is there your blood in those bags"

She smiles and said

"For you to eat without worry about scaring us and worry us"

I smile and I grab a bag and I walk away away to the backyard and I start drinking the blood from the bag while leaning on the wall with my eyes closed

Then I hear footsteps coming to me and I know it was two people and I hear the women say

"See this is the stupid Luna who is a freak"

I sigh and I realized it was the bitch from the kitchen and I just ignore them and I kept drinking slowly and i open my eyes and I stare at them and I said when I finished drinking

"Why are you guys so stupid.."

I felt a hard slap on my face and I took a deep breath and I said

"Just so you guys know I'm an alpha to.."

I growl at them loudly making them fall to the ground and smell Val scent and she was besides me and she said

"What happened here"

I turned to her and she gasped when see saw my cheek and I said

"It's nothing darling I can defend myself.."

I felt her get closer to my face making my breath hitched and I see her smile and she kissed me and I kissed her right away and then a few seconds I broke the kiss before it went farther then I could control and I turn back to them and I crotch down to their level and I said

"Just because you guys are jealous that I got with the person you wante—"

I felt a hard slap in the same side of before and I slap the women back and she gasps surprised and i said

"I May have a big dick but I'm still a women who needs respect from someone who is a lower level then me.."

I turn to the person next to her and he was so angry and I said

"Ohh and you just because your mate is being stupid does not mean to need to follow her like a lost puppy.."

I stand up and I turn to Val and she said while she grabs my waist and push me closer to her

"So you won't follow me like a lost puppy.."

I shake my head and I smile and I hide my head on her shoulder and I felt her pick me up and I wrap my legs around her and I close my eyes and I said

"You and Tina are the ones following me"

I hear Val said while rubbing my back

"Oh really.."

I hum and I felt a sharp slap on my ass and I said

"So when I felt you texted me about my mother and when I got there you guys were starring at me from behind me..I almost felt holes in my body"

I hear Val chuckle and she started walking and and I realized we were walking to her room and I started acting asleep which I'm good at acting asleep  and I felt her put me down into her bed and I turned to the side and I hear her said

"Your lucky that your sleeping or else it would have been a whole different story.."

I hear her walk away and I actually was getting tired so I just went to bed..

After a while I felt someone touch my face and i know it wasn't my mates and I was already awake but then I act like I was sleeping and then I felt their breath on my neck and I heard a deep voice say

"Such a pretty girl..but a bad attitude.."

And I realized it was the same problem person that push me to the floor this morning in the kitchen and I felt their hand tracing my jawline and hear the door open and I know it was a different person and i hear her say

"Are you sure she is awake"

Then the other person said

"Yes I'm sure she is asleep"

Sucks to be them because I'm fully awake and I use my magic to go to Val mind because we are still not mated and I said

"Darling you better come Your room as fast as possible.."

After a few seconds I know I was still weak so I can't protect myself and they were already touching my my legs and chest and I heard the  door open fast and I heard Val said


I felt my breath stop and a tear slip out of my eyes and I felt them move away from me and after a few seconds I smells blood but they weren't my mates blood and I open my eyes slowly and Val walks closer to me and said

"Why didn't you defend yourself darling"

I said while looking at her

"I'm so weak and I don't know why because I'm never like this"

She sigh and said while wiping my tear

"Did you eat or drink something"

Then it hit me the only thing that could make this weak was the blood bag and it tasted different then I said

"The blood bag I took like an hour ago..it tasted different but I thought it was because it in the fridge.."

My body was shaking at this point and she put a blanket over me and then I saw the dead bodies on the floor and I hold on to Val and she smiles and lays next to me and I snuggle on her and pull her close and I know I still shaking and I hide my face on her neck and said

"Don't leave please.."

I felt her rub my back and I hear her say

"I won't leave..go to sleep now darling I will be here when you wake up"

I smile and I fall asleep while holding on to her..

1143 words

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